work and health

Fitness therapy for shift workers

Edited by Walter Milesi

We are in the era of great demand for physical activity due to the various reasons that are imposed on us by progress and lifestyles not very consonant with maintaining human psychophysical abilities.

One of these reasons, which I will discuss in particular, is the work carried out on alternate shifts in 24 hours, evaluating the effects induced to the biological clock and other, with the consequent psychophysical results measured during the training.

Going back a few decades and referring to the working hours of that time, one immediately realizes that the substantial difference with today's times is that in many working situations all 24 hours are used, divided into shifts that change weekly o monthly work hours, which rarely could have happened 60 years ago.

According to many, the shifts would be positive for various reasons, see the free time that is created during the opening hours of offices or shops or other activities, which is difficult for those who make the classic day starting to work early in the morning and finish in the late afternoon; unfortunately the negative effects, by practicing shift tasks, do not take long to show up: enormous sleep problems, consequently the total failure to recover the psychophysical forces; lack of appetite stimulus at times dictated by the shifts and the application of an incorrect diet that reflects directly to the increase of fat masses; from all this we understand the fundamental need for a specific elaboration concerning both physical activity and food intent on improving the lifestyle induced by shifts.

Evaluating a new shift worker during training, one immediately realizes that one of the first measurable effects is the slowing down of energy metabolisms and the consequent loss of muscle volumes and strength, increase in fat masses, incorrect postural attitudes created at work and not; starting from these assumptions, the immediate need for a restoration of the carbohydrate energy metabolism put to the test and if underestimated, capable of creating enormous complications, see diabetes, arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc., is denoted.

For an excellent awakening of the glucose metabolism, I found the great effectiveness in the implementation of training sessions carried out in the isotonic room by means of isotonic machines and free alternating free weights with less frequency in purely aerobic work sessions carried out in the room or in the open air; the sessions treated in the isotonic room in the first periods will require a greater volume of work at the expense of intensity, the sessions of aerobic activities will tend to a purely lipolytic work (maximum involvement of fats for energy purposes), considering that it remains the greatest demand-need users.

For the preparation of a specific diet, I decline the responsibility to a sector expert (dietician-nutritionist), otherwise I provide guidelines that allow to obtain excellent results.

Dulcis in fundo, arming itself with great desire, there is always the opportunity to improve one's psychophysical conditions, whatever the problems induced by one's work activities; it is essential to give an account, to those who want an approach to fitness, to understand the natural potentials that allow to maintain or even improve their motor skills and biological age "from head to toe" given that our most valuable asset we have .

Conceived and written by a person who has lived on fitness for passion and work for more than 22 years.