
Cod liver oil

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As the name suggests, cod liver oil is a food derived from the liver of this fish.

In the past, it was used as a remedy against rickets, a bone calcification defect caused by the reduced intake of vitamin D. Today, rickets are fortunately rare, but in the past it has affected many children (including the famous poet Leopardi).

Although this traditional use has fallen into disuse, cod liver oil has recently returned to the fore thanks to the remarkable nutritional importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), of which it is particularly rich.

In the PUFA group, the fatty acids belonging to the omega 3 series are of great interest, namely alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Not surprisingly, these three lipids are called essential fatty acids (AGE), as the body, not being able to synthesize them, must introduce them with food to maintain the state of well-being.

The average weight of a liver of a 100 g adult cod is 2.5-2.6 grams; its oil content is around 30% (ie 1.5-1.6 ml of oil).


When to use cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil can be considered both a diet food and a food supplement.

It has very bad organoleptic and taste characteristics, which is why (unlike vegetable oils, such as flax and walnut) it does not find any kind of culinary application.

It is advisable to use cod liver oil in case of nutritional deficiency referred to:

  • Some fat-soluble vitamins:
    • Vitamin A (retinol)
    • Vitamin D (calciferol)
    • Vitamin E (tocopherols)
  • Iodine
  • Certain essential fatty acids (AGE):
    • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

NB . With regard to the latter, we recall that, although the organism is able to synthesize them autonomously by exploiting alpha linolenic acid, this function could be compromised with old age. This is why it is suggested to take care of it even in old age.

As we will see later, the need for these AGEs also increases significantly during fetal development and growth of the young child.

Cod liver oil due to the lack of vitamins D and A.

Cod liver oil was, and in some cases still used, in the presence of hypovitaminosis due to vitamin A and D deficiency.


The cod obtains vitamin D (calciferol) from the zooplankton, which in turn feeds on microalgae near the surface, able to synthesize it by exploiting the sunlight that filters through the water.

Outside of this food, the food sources of vitamin D are few and mostly limited to ruminant liver, egg yolk, mushrooms and sardines.

It must be said, however, that the requirement of this vitamin is very low, since the body is able to synthesize it at cutaneous level following sun exposure.


The classic symptom associated with a vitamin A deficiency is altered crepuscular vision, or a loss of visual acuity in low light conditions.

If this vitamin is scarce, in addition to the aforementioned visual disturbances, the respiratory mucous membranes are less protected from attack by pathogens.

Deficiencies of vitamin A (retinol) can also occur in apparently healthy people who follow low-calorie diets with low lipid content or in the presence of other nutritional imbalances; this vitamin is well represented both in foods of animal origin and in the form of precursors (carotenoids), in those of plant origin.

Cases of hypervitaminosis due to excess retinol have also occurred in the immature integration of cod liver oil.

Daily requirement for an adultContent in 10 grams of cod liver oil (*)
Vitamin A700 μg1, 800-3, 000 μg
Vitamin D0-15 μg25 μg
The values ​​may vary depending on the degree of oil refining

Cod liver oil due to the lack of Omega Three

The fatty acids contained in cod liver oil are mainly unsaturated (85%), while the saturated ones represent only a small percentage of the total (around 15%).

In some texts we read that cod liver oil is particularly rich in vitamin F, but this term is in fact synonymous with essential fatty acids.

These nutrients are very important because:

  • They make up cell membranes and structure much of the brain and eyes; they are very important especially during the initial development and the need increases mainly in the case of pregnancy, breastfeeding and in the first two years of life.
  • They hinder the damage inflicted by metabolic pathologies (especially hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension and diabetic lesions) and seem to play a protective role against vascular damage (which become very dangerous when they affect the heart and brain).
  • They also have an anti-inflammatory effect (hypothetically useful in all diseases with a phlogistic aetiology) and anti-platelet aggregation (which can reduce the risk of certain thrombi and emboli).
  • They prevent and improve the small cognitive discomforts, especially in old age, and act positively in some forms of depression.

Precisely these precious nutrients would be linked to the therapeutic interest of cod oil, which has been extended to the treatment of many different pathologies.

Even the simple consumption of fish rich in omega 3 can be of great help. In the long term it seems to have an even greater relevance than the concentrated and high dosage integration protocols.

When to take cod liver oil?

For all the aforementioned reasons, cod liver oil is recommended especially in the winter months, when sun exposure is lower (less vitamin D synthesis) and more frequent respiratory ailments (protective role of vitamin A).

Cod liver oil also has a fairly good iodine content, an essential mineral for good thyroid function and whose deficiency can cause the so-called "hypothyroid goitre" (large swelling in the front of the neck).

Property and Effectiveness

What benefit has cod liver oil shown during the studies?

The benefits of using cod liver oil are related to the massive presence of the nutrients mentioned above.

Below, we will summarize them briefly:

The benefits of cod liver oil
Vitamin AEpithelial protective action at the level of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes and immune system. Increased resistance to respiratory tract infections; good antioxidant action.
Vitamin DIncreased absorption of calcium in the intestine, with positive repercussions on bone formation and growth.
Vitamin EIt is a very important antioxidant, which helps protect against damage caused by smoke and pollution.
IodineEssential for the correct functioning of the thyroid; the hormones it produces from iodine are essential for the child's growth and brain development.
Omega 3Development and function of the brain, retina and nervous tissue in general; they have hypotriglycidemic, antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory action; they are therefore particularly useful for the heart patients (they preserve the elasticity and health of the arterial walls) and improve the effectiveness of the immune system.

Doses and Mode of Use

How to use cod liver oil?

A single spoonful of cod liver oil provides the body with 2 grams of omega 3, a quantity that alone covers almost twice daily needs.

To avoid excessive intake and to limit discomfort related to flavor, various supplements in capsules and capsules are available today.

This allows us to recommend a precise dosage, since each capsule has a standard nutrient content.

Side effects

The problem of the unpleasant taste of cod liver oil is easily overcome by marketing cod liver oil in the form of capsules or capsules.

Gastrointestinal side effects of taking cod liver oil

The side effects of taking cod liver oil are: halitosis, belching, fishy-flavored regurgitations, nausea, abdominal cramps, dyspepsia and diarrhea.

Excess of vitamin A due to the intake of cod liver oil

The symptoms of a vitamin A overdose are rather devious, since they overlap with those deriving from a lack of the same vitamin; they include dry skin, lip chapping, hair fragility, anorexia and hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver, which represents, also in humans, the organ of deposit of this vitamin).

Daily dose that leads to acute toxicity in adultsDose that induces chronic toxicity in the long term10 g of cod liver oil (*)A high-dose multivitamin supplement cpr
Vit A20, 000 μg3, 750 μg1, 800-3, 000 μg1, 000 μg
Vit D Although toxicity values ​​are very high (estimated at around 1500 μg / day), it is recommended not to exceed 50 μg / day.25 μg10 μg
(*) The values ​​may vary depending on the degree of oil refining

Excess of vitamin D due to the intake of cod liver oil

The prolonged excess of vitamin D favors the formation of calcium deposits in the arteries, particularly in the aorta; it can also promote the synthesis of calcium stones in the kidneys and cause muscle contractions and spasms.

So be careful not to get caught up in an excessive and dangerous enthusiasm for cod liver oil, especially when you take it as a "do-it-yourself remedy".

If the use of this supplement is not suggested by a doctor due to particular pathological conditions, but occurs with the sole purpose of increasing the dietary intake of omega 3, it is better to move towards other products.

Since large doses of cod liver oil can be dangerous, in this way the risk of hypervitaminosis can be avoided, even if the overall cost of the integration program will tend to increase.

The risk of a possible overdose of calciferol following the intake of cod liver oil increases in case of strong exposure to sunlight, more in whites than in blacks (which are instead more susceptible to deficiency states).

Coagulative side effects of taking cod liver oil

Complications of the blood coagulation system are less frequent.

Other side effects of taking cod liver oil

They are definitely very rare and linked exclusively to overdoses, metabolic peroxidosis and other serious disorders.


When should cod liver oil not be used?

The most common fear in the integration of cod liver oil is the possible contamination with pollutants typical of the sea.

The risk that cod liver oil is rich in mercury or other toxins is low, thanks to the refining processes and health checks to which it is subjected.

However, it is a good rule to be wary of products marketed at bargain prices, perhaps purchased on the internet and from abroad.


Particular caution in pregnancy, even when this is only scheduled, due to the potential teratogenic effects (ability to induce fetal malformations) linked to a vitamin A overdosing, perhaps already present in important concentrations in the other supplements prescribed by the doctor.

Cod oil should not be used in case of allergy or hypersensitivity linked to the components of the supplement.

Moreover, it is advisable to pay attention to the combination of some drugs (see below).

Sports Diet

Even sportsmen, like the maniacs of the zone diet, should use cod liver oil with the right parsimony: since in these environments the vitamin supplements, often with high dosage, are very popular, the combined action of these supplements with cod liver oil could easily overflow into chronic vitamin overdosage.

Pharmacological Interactions

What drugs or foods can change the effect of cod liver oil?

The drugs with which it is not advisable to take considerable doses of cod oil are:

  • Anticoagulants (coumadin, sintrom, acenocumarol), aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, garlic and ginkgo biloba: they would increase the risk of bleeding due to the double anti-aggregating effect.
  • Oral hypoglycemic agents: it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting the integration of cod liver oil, even if the hypoglycemic power of EPA and DHA is not well defined and sometimes seems superfluous.

Precautions for Use

What do you need to know before taking cod liver oil?

Before starting the integration with cod liver oil it is necessary to carefully evaluate what we have mentioned in the article, especially as regards: side effects, contraindications and drug interactions.

Especially in the case of therapies with anticoagulant products, it becomes essential to confront the attending physician.

Furthermore, although EPA and DHA play an essential role in nervous and ocular development, especially in the very early stages of growth (from conception until the second year of age), in the event of pregnancy and lactation it is still good practice to consult a doctor.

Before surgery, it is necessary to stop taking cod liver oil to avoid the risk of excessive bleeding.