
Sleep strokes: prevention

The deprivation of the night rest can cause blows of sleep, that is sudden falling asleep. When a person sleeps little during the night, in fact, it is subject to sleepiness and psycho-physical fatigue the next day.

The signs that most commonly herald a stroke of sleep are the heavy eyelids, the burning eyes, the frequent yawning, the feeling of cold, the difficulty in focusing, the perception of muffled sounds, the inability to remember the last things made and the state of thoughtlessness.

Preventing sleep injuries is possible by respecting your internal biological clock . Each of us has personal sleep and waking needs, which we must learn to know and satisfy, so as not to have sleep "debts" to pay later. In fact, there are those who need to sleep longer and those who rest in a few hours, those who are better off sleeping for long in the morning and those who get up early.

Sleeping is an insidious phenomenon, which can lead to dangerous situations . Before starting an activity that requires concentration, such as driving, it is useful not to eat in abundance and avoid alcohol and psychotropic substances. In the car, when the signals reveal the imminent approach of the stroke of sleep, the advice is to stop and rest for at least 20-30 minutes before resuming the journey. It is useful, then, to check with your doctor if the medicines you are taking may make you sleepy (such as sedatives, painkillers, tranquilizers, etc.).