
Energy Bars

How they are made

Energy bars are dietary products of an integrative - food nature.

The energy bars are born to satisfy:

  1. a medium / high caloric requirement with high digestibility
  2. the need for high shelf life
  3. the need for maximum ease of use

Generally the energy bars have a sweet taste (also due to the high percentage of carbohydrates), with a low fat and protein content.

As the name suggests, energy bars have the function of PROVIDING energy, so they should NOT be confused with other similar but essentially different supplements (eg protein bars). Energy bars are frequently used in sports thanks to their ease of use and the relative high digestibility characteristic (essential in snacks and integration during the performance.

What are they for?

Nutritional function of energy bars

The energy bars represent a MULTIPLE source of carbohydrates with different glycemic index or dextrose equivalence; this characteristic is fundamental for their integrative function since, by varying the nature of the carbohydrates they contain, it is possible to obtain a RAPID but CONTINUOUS glycemic recovery. Let's see why ...

... brief parenthesis on the speed of digestion and absorption of carbon hydrates

There are various types of sugars, which can be classified by their chemical characteristics and complexity; carbohydrates can get into circulation more or less quickly based on digestibility and availability of use for the body. The most digestible are simple (monosaccharides [which do not require any enzymatic hydrolysis], disaccharides, etc. ... up to 10 units). On the other hand, muscle cells can EFFECTIVELY consume only glucose, while fructose and galactose must first be processed by the liver. Taking practical examples, the glucide with the highest glycemic index is glucose (or dextrose), followed by its polymers (such as maltose and maltodextrins), then sucrose (disaccharide composed of 50% glucose and 50% from fructose), lactose (disaccharide composed of 50% glucose and 50% galactose) and then fructose and galactose.

The speed of blood sugar rise is measurable with the glycemic index or dextrose equivalence and has different applications, including the choice of the most suitable sugars for the effort of the athlete. Before and during the long-term performance it is essential to maintain a constant blood sugar level and to do this it would be important to consume sugars at LOW glycemic index; on the contrary, in the final part of the race (and immediately afterwards) it is more appropriate to consume glucose sources with a high glycemic index to increase the energy availability in view of the final sprint and favor the restoration of body's sugar reserves (see anabolic window).

Ultimately, the mixed composition of carbohydrates related to energy bars satisfies both needs sufficiently, but with intermediate effects in both cases.


Long Life Energy Bars - Slow Absorption

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When to eat them?

Reminding readers that energy bars are NOT the only energy supplement (but there are also liquid and gel forms), we try to identify the right way to eat them.

Summarizing and integrating what has been said so far, it is possible to state that energy bars can be used to:

  1. Provide energy before performance
  2. Provide energy during the performance
  3. Promote energy recovery after performance
  4. Induce a good insulin response to support creatine and protein supplementation

Although not as digestible as a drink or a gel, energy bars can be consumed with a certain freedom both before and during the performance, while to promote recovery it is important enough that they are taken in the immediate POST exercise.

It is estimated that (on average) every 30g of energy bars, the effort can be extended for about 90 minutes ... even if this statement does NOT take into consideration all aspects of dehydration, imbalance or saline deficiency and systemic fatigue. Furthermore, it should also be remembered that energy bars are to be considered foods with a high energy density, therefore their systematic consumption should be limited exclusively to sports.