
The ceiling

Before illustrating the basic criteria for calculating the ceiling, it is necessary to clarify three terms that are often misused: volume, intensity and the same concept of maximum load.

Volume : is the total amount of work done in the training session

Intensity : reflects the percentage of the ceiling to which one works.

Maximum load : it is the maximum load that can be raised once without any external help. It corresponds to the highest force that the neuromuscular system can express with voluntary contraction, concept of 1 RM.

Example: assuming a ceiling of 100 kg, performing a series of 10 repetitions with 70 kg means training at an intensity of 70% of the ceiling with a work volume of 700 kg.

Repetition (s) : number of times for which a specific exercise must be repeated.

Series: number of repetitions grouped according to various criteria (5 - 10 - 12 - etc.) and interspersed with a recovery period (whose duration can be variable.

There are two ways to calculate your ceiling, one direct and one indirect.

The direct method

provides a series of tests that lead to the direct calculation of the maximum load that the athlete is able to lift. It is a maximal test that brings the individual to a level of intensity where fatigue prevents a further increase in load.


1 a series of 10 repetitions at 40% of the maximum limit

2 a series of 5-6 repetitions at 50-60% of the maximum allowed

3 a series of 2-3 repetitions at 80% of the maximum limit

4 to a series of 1 repetitions at 90% of the maximum limit

5 a series 1 repetition at 100% of the expected ceiling

- if you can: increase the resistance between 2.5 and 5% to try again

or - if unsuccessful: subtract 2.5 and 5% from the resistance and try again

NB: the recovery between the series must be complete (between 1 minute and a half and 3 minutes).

The value of 1-RM is reported as the weight of the last lift completed successfully.

This test, very valid for advanced athletes, is absolutely not recommended for beginners, children and the elderly. It should be performed after a rest of one or more days to allow the muscle to recover from the previous training sessions.

The indirect method

provides for a series of tests that lead to indirectly calculate the maximum load that the athlete is able to lift. It is a submaximal test that takes the individual to a fixed intensity level.


Example of indirect test based on the 6 repetitions.

- light heating of 5-10 repetitions at 50% of expected 6-RM

- the rest and elongation, then 6 repetitions at 70% of the expected 6-RM

n - 6 repetitions are repeated at 90% of the expected 6-RM

n - after 2 'of rest 6 repetitions at 100-105% of expected 6- RM

n - if you succeed: increase the resistance between 2.5 and 5% to try again

or - if unsuccessful: subtract 2.5 and 5% from the resistance and try again

This type of test is also suitable for beginners, children and the elderly. Always keep in mind, especially for the latter, the importance of correct breathing technique during exercise.

It will then be possible to calculate the ceiling by referring to the following table.

Example: if during the test I performed 6 repetitions with 80 Kg at maximum intensity, my maximum load is 100 Kg.




After calculating your own ceiling, you can use this data to plan your workout based on your goals. Also in this case it is appropriate to clarify some terms:

MAXIMUM FORCE: it is the highest force that the neuromuscular system is able to develop with a voluntary contraction

FAST FORCE: it is the ability of the neuromuscular system to overcome resistance with a high rate of contraction

RESISTANT FORCE: the body's ability to oppose fatigue during strength and / or duration performance.

A low number of high intensity repetitions acts on the maximum force.

A high number of repetitions at low loads acts on the resisting force.

Loads of the same size for 4-8 repetitions at maximum speed develop fast force.

The maximum stimulus for muscular hypertrophy is obtained around 8 repetitions, or training at 70-75% of the ceiling.

For those who want to get a drier and more defined body, we recommend performing 12 repetitions per series at 60-65% of the ceiling.

Whatever your goal, remember that varying training often is the basis for achieving it. So even if you don't want to become a Bodybuilder don't exclude the maximum loads from your training.