
Special diet and fitness

Special entirely dedicated to proteins, a selezixone of our most representative articles to understand what proteins are, what nutritional role they cover and why it is important to take them in the right quantities.

Nutrition - The Basics to understand


What are proteins? And the amino acids? How many calories do they make? What functions do they have in the body?

Protein intake

How many proteins do you take each day? Too much protein is bad? Who should take on more?

Protein requirement

What is the protein requirement? How does it vary from person to person? How to calculate it and how many proteins to take

Protein Foods - Which to choose

Protein-rich foods

What are the most protein-rich foods? Are vegetable proteins the same as those of meat, milk and eggs?

Animal Proteins

Nutritional benefits, benefits and negative aspects of animal proteins. How many to hire? Which do you prefer?

Protein breakfast

Protein for breakfast: what are they for? Why is breakfast considered a very important meal? Composition of Breakfast and Protein Food

Protein Snacks

What are protein snacks for? Are these important meals or can their composition be left to chance? When are they needed?

Protein Diet - What and How Much to Eat

Example of a high-protein diet

How is a balanced high-protein diet structured? When is it necessary? Example of a weekly diet plan

Protein for Weight Loss

Do proteins make you lose weight? Because high-protein diets can help you lose weight and why it's better not to abuse it.

Dietary Breakdown of Proteins

How to differentiate proteins in various daily meals. Is it better to take them before or after training?

Pre-Sleeping Snack

Snack snack: what is it? General information on pre-sleep snack. When to consume it, why and types of snacks to choose from before sleeping.

What to eat after training?

Importance and characteristics of the post workout snack: what to eat in relation to the physical activity practiced? Time distances and useful supplements.

Dietary breakfast

What Does Dietary Breakfast Mean? Dietary breakfast against metabolic diseases. Dietary Breakfast for the Line. How much to eat?

Yogurt diet

Yogurt diet: what is it? Importance of diet yoghurt and nutritional properties. Why is the yogurt diet bad?

Protein Supplements - When they are needed, how to take them

Protein supplements

All about protein supplements. Generalities and usefulness of these products. Nutritional benefits and benefits. Links to the most representative articles.

Milk's proteins

Caseins and whey proteins: how they are obtained and what differences distinguish them. When do you prefer each other?

Protein powder

Milk proteins, egg proteins and soy proteins. Nutritional characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Which ones to choose?

Egg proteins, albumins

What are the differences between milk proteins and egg proteins? What are the advantages of powdered egg whites?

Whey protein

Whey proteins, or whey proteins. Isolated or concentrated? Which to prefer and for what reason.

Dietary Snacks

Dietary Snacks: introduction and distinction of the various products. Proper diet foods. Low-calorie snacks. Chemistry, function and choice.