Category cereals and derivatives

cereals and derivatives


Generality The piadina or "piadina romagnola" is a food derived from cereals, typical of the Emilia Romagna region. Even its origins see it as the protagonist of the central-northern tradition, more precisely of the Adriatic coast (Romagna and Marche-Pesaro). A little to the north, the Emilia-based alterego of piadina is represented by the tigella

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cereals and derivatives

Amaranth flour

Amaranth Amaranth is a plant-based food that belongs to the group of cereals *. It has Central American origins, where it has been cultivated since ancient times; with the Spanish colonization of these places, the production of amaranth has diminished, so much so that today it is a fairly obsolete product (especially in the rest of the globe)
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cereals and derivatives

Buratto flour

What is Buratto flour? The buratto flour is a semi-soft wheat flour ( Triticum aestivum ). A "buratto" is defined as a machine equipped with sieves, used to remove the scrap portions or to classify the components of a solid material in grains or powder, of different sizes. This means that the so-called " sifting level " is nothing but the degree of refinement of a flour; in practice, the more the flour is sieved, the more refined it is, white, impalpable, rich in starch and poor in fibers and ashes (mineral salts)
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cereals and derivatives

Flour 0 by R.Borgacci

What's this What is the 0 flour? Flour 0 is a powdery substance, with specific granulometry and sifting levels (0), obtained from the milling of "soft wheat" seeds. As specified by Italian legislation, the generic name "flour", without further details, refers exclusively to derivatives of Triticum aestivum (binomial botanical nomenclature of common wheat)
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cereals and derivatives

Arso grain flour

The burnt wheat flour is a product obtained from the roasting of durum wheat ( Tritucum durum ), followed by grinding the seeds to reduce them to a coarse powder, called "burnt wheat flour". To be honest, respecting the product definitions, this powder is NOT a real "flour", but a semolina (since it has a thicker grain and is not produced from soft wheat)
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cereals and derivatives

Tapioca and Manioc or Yuca or Cassava flour

Cassava or Yuca or Cassava Cassava belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae, Genus Manihot , Species esculenta ; the binomial nomenclature of the Cassava (also called yuca or cassava) is Manihot esculenta . It is a tuber similar to a potato, but even more similar to a tuberous root (like the batata , commonly known as sweet potato or American potato)
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cereals and derivatives

Millet flour

"Miglio" is the name of a cereal hypothetically originating in Asia. In common language, it embraces various Species belonging to the Poaceae family ( Gramineae ); those used for avian feeding are mainly the Panicum miliaceum and the Setaria italica ; then there are the Indian millet or Eleusine coracana and the African melega millet or Holcus sorghum
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cereals and derivatives

Barley flour

Barley Barley refers to a group of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family (Gramineae), Genus Hordeum ; among these, the widespread species for food (for humans) is the Hordeum vulgare , called "common barley". There are two subspecies of barley, the domesticated one (Sp. Vulgare ) and its progenitor, or wild barley (Sp
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cereals and derivatives

Quinoa flour

Quinoa Quinoa is an annual cycle herbaceous plant belonging to the Amaranthaceae family (the same as beet); the binomial nomenclature of quinoa is Chenopodium quinoa (Class. Willd.). Probably native to the Andes, quinoa is now cultivated mainly in Bolivia, Chile and Peru. Due to nutritional affinities and commercial use, it is considered a "cereal"; however, not belonging to the Poaceae (Graminaceae) family, quinoa is often included in the group of pseudo-cereals (similar to amaranth and buckwheat)
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cereals and derivatives

Sorghum flour

Sorghum When we talk about sorghum (also called Broom Corn ) we refer to a group of Cereal species belonging to the Genus Sorghum and to the family of the Poaceae (Gramineae); among these, the most well-known, because it is intended for human consumption, is the vulgare . The binomial nomenclature of sorghum destined for human nutrition is Sorghum vulgare
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cereals and derivatives

Rice flour

Generality Rice flour is a derivative of the well-known cereal, with countless gastronomic applications; more precisely it is a powder obtained by grinding the fruits of Oryza sativa (Family Poaceae, Genus Oryza, Species O. Sativa ). These fruits, which to tell the truth are real seeds, if they are used for the production of refined rice flour undergo some withdrawal and processing processes that can be summarized as follows: harvesting (for harvesting), cleaning, husking and bleaching (if the rice were destined to the trade in its entirety would continue the processing cycle further)
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