Category diet and health

Anti Stress Diet
diet and health

Anti Stress Diet

Edited by Ivan Mercolini Introduction Hello everybody. The subject of this lesson is well suited to modern man. I will speak, in fact, of the general food program recommended for a hypersurrenal subject (hypercortical alias), that is suffering from chronic stress . Ivan Mercolini> - author of the article - In this sector I can place most of the subjects aged between 30 and 50 years

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diet and health

Diet and Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the HBV virus, which affects the liver in an acute or chronic way (the chronic form is widespread especially in those who contract the virus at the time of birth). About a third of the world's population has been infected with HBV, including 240-350 million chronic cases
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diet and health

Diet for Saint Anthony's Fire

Fire of saint Anthony St Anthony's fire is an infection caused by the Herpes zoster virus (the same as varicella), which affects the nerve endings and the surrounding skin. The fire of Saint Anthony concerns a very specific area, located in one half of the body (it does not go beyond the median line)
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diet and health

Diet and Fever

Fever and hyperpyrexia Fever and hyperthermia represent two different pathological mechanisms, but which both generate pyrexia , a NON-physiological condition characterized "by the anomalous rise in body temperature". Both fever and hyperthermia cause body overheating, but through two totally different pathogenetic mechanisms: The fever is triggered by the chemical damage caused by cytokines (chemical mediators) on the hypothalamic central regulation "thermostat", which in turn generates excessive heating Hyperthermia is generated by the imbalance between thermogenesis (prod
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diet and health

Diet and Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by the HCV virus, which mainly affects the liver. In the initial period of infection, the symptoms are absent or barely perceptible; rarely appear fever, dark urine, abdominal pain and jaundice. Few manage to heal completely and most people become chronic
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diet and health

Diet for Renal Insufficiency

Diet and kidney health The kidneys (two) are organs responsible for the filtration (or purification) of the blood, therefore they are essential for human life. In order to guarantee its integrity, it is advisable to recognize and remove the etiological agents that can compromise them; among these: drug abuse, inappropriate food behaviors, alcoholism, sports doping, drug addiction, infections, hypertension, diabetes, impairment of other organs, etc
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diet and health

Diet for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Generality Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a term used improperly as a synonym for benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate adenoma. It is a uniquely male disorder characterized by an increase in prostate size. Hyperplasia is defined as the numerical increase in the cells that make up a tissue. More precisely, in the prostate adenoma the stromal and parenchymal units located in the center of the organ, in the periurethral glands and in the transition zone are involved
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diet and health

Diet for Italo

Jaundice Jaundice means a change in the color of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes, which tend to take on a yellowish appearance; this phenomenon is due to the increase in bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice can manifest itself in neonatal or adult age; in the first case it is a physiological and harmless event, while in the second it almost always indicates a disorder of the liver, biliary tract or red blood cells
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diet and health

Hypoglycemia Diet

Hypoglycemia Hypoglycaemia means an excessive reduction in blood glucose, which on an empty stomach should be between 70 and 99mg / dl. Blood glucose increases naturally after meals and lowers with fasting or prolonged motor activity. However, the healthy organism is able to counteract both the surge and the collapse of blood glucose, quickly guaranteeing the restoration of normality
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diet and health

Influenza Diet

The flu diet is a diet that - while not able to directly cure the disease - helps support the body in the fight against infection. As a matter of informative correctness, let us remember that the flu is a pathology of a viral nature and that, therefore, the use of antibiotics is totally inappropriate (except for secondary complications)
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diet and health

Diet for Insomnia

insomnia Insomnia means: "the difficulty in falling asleep" or "a non-restorative sleep"; it is a prevalently chronic and very frequent disorder, which in industrial countries reaches an average prevalence of 35% on the general population. Other more detailed studies have shown a prevalence of lower insomnia, estimated at around 11% of the Spanish population and about 21% of the French and Japanese population
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