Category ear health

Otolites of G.Bertelli
ear health

Otolites of G.Bertelli

Generality The otoliths are very small agglomerates of oxalate and calcium carbonate, incorporated in a gelatinous matrix located in the inner ear . These formations contribute to maintaining the balance and, in function of the displacement of the head, transmit the sense of acceleration to the otolithic organs of the vestibular system (ie utricle and saccule)

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ear health

Who is the otolaryngologist?

The otolaryngologist is a specialized doctor-surgeon, expert in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders that can affect the ears, nasal cavities, throat and their connection points at the level of the face and neck. ORIGIN OF THE NAME The name otolaryngologist - as well as otolaryngology - is the set of terms of Greek origin which means ear ("oto"), nose ("rino"), larynx ("laringo") and doctor ("iatra")
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ear health

Remedies for ear plugs

The term "earwax cap" defines an occlusion of the ear due to the deposit of wax substance in the external ear canal. The earwax stopper is the result of glandular hypersecretion or is linked to alterations of the physiological sliding of the earwax from the inside of the ear towards the auricle
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ear health

Remedies for Otite

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Otitis is a mainly infectious inflammatory process that affects the ear. Based on the involved auricular portion, more forms of otitis can be distinguished: internal (or labyrinthitis), medium (which affects the middle ear) and external (otitis of the swimmer)
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ear health

Remedies for Ear Ringings - Tinnitus

The term "tinnitus" defines an annoying ringing in the ears in the absence of external sound sources. Sometimes tinnitus is a temporary and totally reversible phenomenon, while on other occasions it is a recurrent, often debilitating symptom that negatively affects normal daily activities. Tinnitus can be due to neurological disorders, infections, drug therapies, alcoholism, otological changes, atherosclerosis and hypertension
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ear health

Hearing Aids

Generality Hearing aids , or hearing aids , are small electronic devices that - applied behind or inside the ear - guarantee people with hearing impaired neurons to recover part of their hearing, clearly improving their quality of life. Hearing aids work by transmitting amplified sound vibrations to the wearer, ie at a higher volume than the real one
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ear health


Generality Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic practice of alternative medicine, which involves stimulation of the auricle, with the final aim of bringing benefits to other parts of the body. Any concept expressed by the practice in question and its promoters is based on the idea that the ear auricle is a microsystem that reflects all the organs, bony structures, etc
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ear health

Impedance Test Ear

Generality The impedance test is a survey that evaluates the state of health of the external and middle ear . This test is useful above all to verify the functioning of the structures that make up the sound amplification system (Eustachian tube, tympanic membrane and three ossicles of hearing). In other words, the impedance test of the ear allows us to understand if there are lesions or disorders that can cause abnormal auditory perception
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ear health

Cochlear implant

Generality A cochlear implant is a small, technologically very complex electronic device that allows deaf or people with reduced hearing ability to hear sounds again. Cochlear implants are not hearing aids; in fact, they do not amplify sounds (as hearing aids usually do), but they pick up the sound, convert it into electrical signals / impulses - exactly as a cochlea would do - and transfer the newly generated electrical signals / impulses to the cochlear nerve, stimulating it
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ear health

Otitis in the Child

Generality Otitis in children is a widespread disorder that can be caused by various factors. Otitis is an inflammation that affects the ear and can be either acute or chronic. There are various types and the most common form - but not the only one - in the pediatric age population is the so-called otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear)
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ear health

Catarrhal otitis

Generality Catarrhal otitis is a pathological condition that results from inflammation of the middle ear . This condition is frequently found in pediatric age , but can also affect adults. Catarrhal otitis is characterized by increased secretion of mucus at the ear level ( tubal catarrh ). The process underlying the disease can depend on various causes
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