Category gynecology

Poor menstrual cycle - Scarce Menstruation by G. Bertelli

Poor menstrual cycle - Scarce Menstruation by G. Bertelli

Generality The low menstrual cycle is a condition characterized by the reduction of menstruation , in terms of quantity and duration . The poor menstrual cycle recognizes various causes: in some cases, the condition is occasional and has no clinical significance; at other times, a flow with these characteristics occurs frequently

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Mycoplasma hominis - Mycoplasmas

Mycoplasma hominis is a microorganism that populates the genitourinary tract of some men and women, especially those who are sexually active. Its presence in these places can have both commensal meaning (it does not create any suffering or disturbance) and pathological. In the latter case, Mycoplasma hominis is commonly implicated in the genesis of bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease, along with Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae
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vaginal pH

Maintaining a physiological vaginal pH (acid) is an important protective factor against bacterial infections of the internal genitalia. In childhood and old age, when estrogen levels are low, vaginal pH is around neutrality (6-7). In adolescence and adulthood, however, the environment becomes acidic (around 4
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Polyps of the Cervix: What are they? Causes, Characteristics and Symptoms of G.Bertelli

Generality Cervical polyps (or cervical polyps) are benign tumor growths that develop in the lining of the cervix. These lesions appear as small growths, mostly pedunculated. The causes of cervical polyps are not always easily identifiable, but, in most cases, their onset results from a chronic inflammatory state and from hormonal stimuli , such as hyperestroginism typical of the pre-menopausal period
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Progesterone is a steroid hormone belonging to the group of progestin hormones. Although a small amount is also produced in humans (Leydig's testicular cells), progesterone is a typical female hormone. In women of fertile age it is secreted by the corpus luteum and the placenta. The corpus luteum is formed following ovulation, when the follicle releases the egg cell contained in it and is replaced by a cluster of cells with a characteristic yellow color
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Vaginal itching

See also: anal itching - itching in pregnancy The vaginal itching is a sense of tingling or irritation to the external genitals (vulva) and vagina, which can take pleasant or extremely annoying tones. Since the two terms are often confused, let us briefly recall that the vagina is the musculomembranous duct that connects the uterine cervix with the female external genitalia, which on the whole (large and small lips, urinary meatus, clitoris, vestibule of the vagina) they are called vulva
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Asherman syndrome by G.Bertelli

Generality Asherman syndrome is a disease characterized by the formation of adhesions and scar tissue inside the uterus and / or cervix . These thickenings inside the uterine cavity have variable characteristics, ie they can be thin or thick, localized or confluent. In most cases, Asherman's syndrome is the result of endometrial trauma , which prevents the normal regeneration of the basal layer and promotes the fusion of damaged areas
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Cervical Swab by G.Bertelli

Generality The cervical swab is a diagnostic test aimed at finding microorganisms responsible for infections of the cervix (or cervix ). The cervical swab consists in removing the flaking cells and secretions from the cervix and the endocervical canal, using a small muffled stick, similar to a cotton swab
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Bacterial vaginosis

Edited by Eugenio Ciuccetti, Obstetrician Generality Bacterial vaginosis is probably the most common vaginal infection among women today. It is a condition characterized by the alteration of the normal vaginal ecosystem and its pH; that is, an imbalance concerning the microorganisms that, in physiological conditions, populate and defend the vaginal environment itself (the so-called saprophytic flora)
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