Category gynecology


Breast examination - Visit to the Breast

Generality The breast examination is a clinical examination of the breast performed by the senologist or gynecologist. This is a painless assessment, carried out without the aid of special instruments at the specialized doctor's office. The breast examination includes two phases: in the first part information is collected that can be useful to formulate the final diagnosis ( medical history ); the second phase, instead, consists in the inspection and palpation of the breasts in different postures
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Vaginal discharge

Within certain limits, that of vaginal discharge is a physiological phenomenon, especially in certain periods of life. Let it be clear, first of all, that the vaginal mucosa is itself devoid of glands, which is why those secretions which we commonly call "leaks" are actually represented above all by the secretion of the uterine cervix
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Ovulatory dysfunction - Causes and Symptoms

Definition There is talk of ovulatory dysfunction in the event that ovulation is irregular or absent. This alteration can be suspected in the presence of irregular menstrual cycles or those that are not preceded by symptoms such as breast tenderness, abdominal swelling or changes in mood. In addition to the premenopausal state, one of the most common causes of ovulatory dysfunction is polycystic ovary syndrome
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