Category sport and health

Intellect and Physical Exercise
sport and health

Intellect and Physical Exercise

Article by Beppe Cart As Carl Lewis said in a famous advertising spot: " POWER IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONTROL ". This statement leads us to the idea that the psychological approach to performance is considerable; and if we talk about control we will talk about the Nervous System, then the brain: our "on-board computer"

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sport and health

Physical activity and hypertension

Edited by Roberto Eusebio The force with which the heart manages to circulate the blood inside the blood vessels is called blood pressure. When the heart contracts and pumps blood, we are talking about systolic pressure (commonly defined as maximum); instead, when the heart relaxes we have diastolic pressure (commonly defined as minimum)
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sport and health

Pilates: Harmony of body and mind

By Dr. Vianini, director of Pilatech Srl The Pilates method was invented by the German Joseph Hubertus Pilates in the early twentieth century. It is based on some principles with the idea of ​​optimizing the use of one's body to improve physical fitness and maintain balance more efficiently. Pilates is a fusion point between the guiding principles of oriental disciplines (harmony and slowness in the execution of movements) and modern western scientific evolutions in the field of body re-education, physical fitness, proprioceptive and postural gymnastics. Pi
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sport and health

Muscle relaxation and relaxation

A door to the most secret rooms of our body and our mind Author: Dr. Marco Mancini - Personal Trainer - Doctor in Clinical and Health Psychology Introduction When we think of our musculature, what can come to our mind is that structure which through movement and action allows us to interact with the surrounding environment, a system symbolizing activation and dynamism
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sport and health

Metabolic syndrome

Curated by Gerolamo Cavalli and Gabriele Gualandris HEALTH : that psychophysical well-being from which we move further and further away We have chosen this topic, the Metabolic Syndrome (or plurimetabolica), because in the last thirty years this phenomenon, which in truth is a set of pathologies, is spreading out of all proportion
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sport and health


By Luca Penzi More and more, in the sector magazines and on television we hear about WELLNESS, but what does it mean? Quite simply it is the union of the English words WELL (good) and FITNESS, in short, physical activity linked to well-being! Many centers have mini spas, real well-equipped spas where we can massage, mud, peel, tan
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sport and health

Physical culture through history and society - according to Yukio Mishima -

Edited by Michela Verardo and Fabio Grossi Knowledge of literature as a means to serve the Personal Trainer to enhance one's dialogue with customers and, of course, to enhance one's cultural and personal growth. Already Plato in his Republic (Politeia, circa 390 BC) argued that culture - poetry and music in particular - and physical activity were the most suitable tools for educating the body and soul of man
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sport and health

Heart of the cyclist

Curated by Luigi Ferritto (1) The heart supports us in our daily efforts and is modified according to the type of efforts and activities we practice. Cycling, especially at a competitive level, causes adaptations on the cardiovascular system, such as the increase in the size of the chambers and of the cardiac walls and the improvement of circulation
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sport and health

Cervical stretching in the gym

By Dr. Simone Losi Stretching the neck muscles is essential because during the day, due to stress, bad posture, anxiety and nervousness, these muscles find themselves in a perennial state of tension, which can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck and spine. in toto. Maintaining a good elasticity at the cervical level can help even those who are training with isotonic machines or free weights in the gym, with the aim of toning and improving their fitness
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sport and health

Osteoarthritis: how does it start?

The arthrosic process The initial triggering event may remain unknown, or it may be represented by a trauma or by wear due to an abuse of the joint, or by an incongruity of the articular heads due to articular diseases of various origins, or even for vascular damage or for a impaired innervation, or due to endocrine causes that induce joint damage (acromegaly, Cushing, drugs with cortisone, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus)
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