Category supply

Eleven Hamburgers in Three Minutes: Is It Possible?

Eleven Hamburgers in Three Minutes: Is It Possible?

How many hamburgers could you eat in three minutes? Good question ... you should try it! That's exactly what the Japanese Takeru Kobayashi did, who managed to eat 11 hamburgers in just three minutes! The performance did not go unnoticed and on June 5, 2013 it became a new Guinness World Record (GWR)

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Moka: how it is made and how it works Moka, also called Moka express, is a device for preparing coffee as a drink; it was invented in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti and has literally revolutionized the domestic coffee preparation process, sending retired coffins and Neapolitans. The success of the Bialetti mocha was such that it was produced in 200 million pieces, ending up in the homes of nine out of ten Italians
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