Category symptoms

Barrel chest - Causes and Symptoms

Barrel chest - Causes and Symptoms

Related articles: Barrel chest Definition The barrel chest is a pathological conformation in which the thoracic cage is dilated in the lower part, in a permanent inspiratory position. To be enlarged, in particular, is the anteroposterior diameter, whereby the lower chest appears deeper than normal. The barrel chest is a typical sign of advanced forms of pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis

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Afagia - Causes and Symptoms

Related articles: Afagia Definition Inability to swallow due to obstruction of the passage of solids and liquids (such as saliva). It is caused by ingestion of inadequately chewed food or a foreign body, and is often associated with diseases that reduce its lumen, such as some forms of esophagitis and esophageal cancer
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Aerophagy - Causes and Symptoms

Related articles: Aerofagia Definition Ingestion of large amounts of air during swallowing. Often this condition is separated from organic affections (abuse of carbonated drinks, habit of eating or drinking when talking convulsively), while at other times it is accompanied by morbid events. Possible Causes * of Aerophagy Liver Calculations Motion sickness Hiatal hernia Gastritis Pancreatitis Irritable bowel syndrome Ovarian cancer Peptic ulcer
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Aphasia - Causes and Symptoms

Related articles: Aphasia Definition Aphasia is a language disorder that alters the ability to understand and / or express words. It can derive from a dysfunction of the nerve centers, located in the cerebral cortex and in the nuclei of the base, deputed to the comprehension and the elaboration of the language, or from dysfunctions of the connection ways between these areas of the brain
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Adenoiditis symptoms

Definition Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the adenoids (cluster formations consisting of lymphoid tissue, located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx). This inflammatory process is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections. Adenoiditis occurs predominantly in children, often in association with acute tonsillitis or otitis media
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Adenite - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Adenitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of a gland (generally a lymph node). In the acute form, this process usually occurs with a swelling in the affected area. Here we also observe the classic signs of inflammation: redness, heat and pain (exacerbated by palpation). Reactive adenitis occurs in response to a bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral infection (eg, mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, etc
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AIDS symptoms

Related articles: AIDS Definition AIDS, an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is an infectious disease caused by the HIV virus, primarily of sexual transmission. By damaging the human immune system little by little, the HIV virus weakens the organic defenses against the attack of pathogenic microorganisms
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Aggressiveness - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Aggression is a behavioral disorder that manifests itself as a propensity to harm someone or something. It can occur either in verbal form (with insults, threats or bad language), or in physical form (the subject shouts, cries, throws objects, beats, tries to bite or scratches). In general, aggression is the expression of an instinct or an emotional reaction to a frustrating event, from which the subject feels threatened
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Oral aphthosis - Causes and Symptoms

Related articles: Oral aphthosis Definition Presence of small abrasions or ulcerations, roundish and annoying (mouth ulcers), on inflamed oral mucosa (hence the term stomatitis) Possible Causes * of Oral Aphthosis Aspergillosis Celiac disease Epidermolysis bullosa Erythema multiforme Histoplasmosis Lichen planus Systemic lupus erythematosus Hand-foot-and-mouth disease Pellagra Pemphigus vulgaris Bullous pemphigoid PFAPA Tropical sprue
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Ageusia - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Ageusia is the loss of taste sensitivity. The inability to perceive taste is found in multiple pathological conditions. Local causes include infections of the tongue and upper respiratory tract (such as rhinitis and sinusitis), glossitis, stomatitis and smoking. If it is limited to one side of the tongue (as in Bell's palsy), it will rarely be noticed
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Afonia - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Aphonia is a symptom characterized by the total loss of the voice. When, on the other hand, phonation is only partially compromised, we speak more correctly of Dysphonia. This alteration - temporary or permanent - can be due to a lesion of the larynx, consequent to inflammatory processes of various nature (see laryngitis), tumors or paralysis of the motor nerves
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