Category traumatology

Foot pain - Causes and Symptoms

Foot pain - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Foot pain is an algic symptom that can recognize musculoskeletal, vascular, neurological or dermatological causes. A musculoskeletal etiology is signaled by pain and tenderness at particular joints or tendons. The lateral compression at the base of the fingers, for example, represents a good test to highlight the involvement of the metatarsophalangeal joint

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Abdominal Hernia

Definition The abdominal hernia is the escape of a bowel - or a part of it - from the abdominal cavity where it is normally contained. The herniation makes its way through a preformed orifice or an area of ​​weakness of the cladding wall. The abdominal hernia is therefore an expression of a progressive weakening of the muscular and fascial walls, which under physiological conditions should keep the viscera in its proper place. Ab
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Key points The excoriation is a superficial wound of the skin, in which there is an export of more or less extensive epidermal layers, a consequence of peeling, rubbing or collisions against rough surfaces. Excoriations: causes Excoriations are caused by rubbing or scratching against rough walls or objects
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Cervical Hernia: Diagnosis and Therapy

Definition of cervical hernia "Cervical hernia" is defined as a protrusion of the intervertebral disc that compresses the nerve roots directed to an upper limb and, sometimes, also the spinal cord. In other words, the cervical hernia (or hernia of the cervical disc) is a leak of gelatinous material from the pulpy nucleus of an intervertebral disc located in the cervical tract
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Cervical hernia

Key points The cervical hernia consists of the escape of gelatinous material from the pulpy nucleus of an intervertebral disc located in the cervical tract. Following the herniation, a sort of protuberance of the intervertebral disk is formed which compresses the nerve roots directed to an arm and / or spinal cord
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Dislocation of the Hip

Generality The dislocation of the hip is the injury of the hip, of traumatic origin, in which the head of the femor comes out from the acetabulum. A common consequence of frontal motor vehicle accidents and falls from high positions, the dislocation of the hip is responsible for severe pain and the inability to move the affected limb
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Meniscopathy - Meniscopathies

Generality The generic term "meniscopathies" is used to indicate the set of lesions that can affect the meniscuses. Meniscopathies fall into the category of the most common disorders that can affect the knee. The pathologies of the meniscus can arise in all types of patients, both male and female
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Generality Sciatica , or sciatica , is a medical condition characterized by a more or less intense painful sensation along the anatomical areas covered by the sciatic nerve (which, in short, are: lumbar area of ​​the back, buttock, thigh, leg and foot). The main cause of sciatica is the compression, with irritative effects, of the sciatic nerve or its spinal roots. Th
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Key points Tetraplegia is a serious movement disorder characterized by progressive or immediate loss of sensitivity and mobility of the limbs (both lower and upper). The inability to move or coordinate the limbs can be total or partial depending on the severity of the trauma suffered. Causes Tetraplegia is the result of spinal cord injury at the cervical spine
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Stiff neck - Types of torticollis

Key points The term torticollis refers to a vicious inclination of the head on the neck, always involuntary and with sudden and painful onset. In other words, the torticollis is a transitory "deformity" of the cervical tract which is characterized by the anomalous position assumed by the head after an imperfect or abrupt rotation of the neck
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Stiff neck

What is stiff neck? The common torticollis is a pseudo-pathological condition characterized by limited mobility (or a blockage) of the neck, always accompanied by acute and intense cervical pain. The common torticollis is an extremely frequent and painful disorder due to a contraction of the lateral neck muscles
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