Category tumors

Brain tumors: some interesting numbers

Brain tumors: some interesting numbers

Primary brain tumors , or primary brain tumors or tumors of the central nervous system , are abnormal agglomerates of cells, formed and increased more or less suddenly in some region of the brain (ie brain, diencephalon, cerebellum and brainstem) or spinal cord. Fruit of genetic mutations of DNA whose causes are not yet known, brain tumors can be benign, slow-growing neoplasms or malignant neoplasms of a fast-growing nature

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Medications to Treat Burkitt's Lymphoma

Definition Burkitt's lymphoma (or B-cell lymphoma) is a malignant neoplasm affecting the lymphatic system; some speak of Burkitt's lymphoma as a form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which is distinguished from the latter by its particular very rapid progression. Causes Burkitt's lymphoma is closely related to the infection caused by Epistein-Barr virus, the same causative agent responsible for mononucleosis
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Pomegranate and Cancer

The pomegranate is a plant belonging to the genus Punica and Specie granatum , of which the edible fruits are consumed. Due to its nutritional and phytotherapeutic characteristics, the pomegranate has been nicknamed the "true fruitful power of nature". Since ancient times, pomegranate is considered a vegetable with extraordinary medicinal properties
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BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and breast cancer: some interesting percentages

Several studies have shown that inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a considerable influence in determining the premature appearance of breast cancer. Recalling that one in eight women falls ill with breast cancer sooner or later, it is estimated that the hereditary mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 are responsible for 20-25% of all family forms of breast cancer and 5-10% of all forms of breast cancer
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Who is the oncologist?

Oncology is the branch of medicine that studies the characteristics and methods of treating cancer. The oncologist , therefore, is the doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms that can affect the human being. THE SECTORS OF COMPETENCE OF AN ONCOLOGIST Thanks also to the progress of medicine, the modern oncologist can specialize further in particular areas of his discipline
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Senna and Tumor

"Senna" means a small group of plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family and the genus Cassia or the genus S enna . The botanical classification according to Linnaeus (L.) and according to Philip Miller (Mill.) Is not superimposable, but both consider the two Genres closely related to each other
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Brachytherapy: frequently asked questions

Brachytherapy is a tumor radiotherapy modality, which consists in the placement of radioactive material inside the body, close to the neoplastic mass to be treated. Since many people still ignore the characteristics or have incorrect information, it was decided to report here the most frequent questions that patients ask doctors and the most common doubts: Question
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Radiotherapy: long-term side effects

High-energy ionizing radiation, used during anti-tumor radiotherapy , can also damage healthy cells that surround a tumor. In the immediate future, the consequences of such damage are temporary and of little concern; in the long term, however, they could also give rise to serious side effects. These side effects - which could also be defined as long-term complications - consist of: In women, infertility and early menopause
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Radiotherapy: short-term side effects

High-energy ionizing radiation, used during anti-tumor radiotherapy , can also damage healthy cells that surround a tumor. In the immediate future, cellular damage can occur with temporary and resolvable consequences, generally, once the radiotherapy treatment has ended. These consequences consist of: Irritated skin
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The advantages of brachytherapy

Brachytherapy , or internal radiotherapy , is a type of tumor radiotherapy, in which the placement of radioactive material inside the body is foreseen, in the close vicinity of the tumor to be treated. What are the strengths of this cancer treatment? First of all, it allows to concentrate the radiations on a well localized area of ​​the body, in this case the one occupied by the tumor. In
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History of brachytherapy

Brachytherapy (or internal radiotherapy ) is a type of tumor radiotherapy , which involves placing radioactive material inside the body near the tumor to be treated. Treatment of short duration and limited to the area of ​​interest (therefore with minimal involvement of healthy tissues), brachytherapy is adopted on the occasion of tumors of the biliary tract, breast, uterine cervix, endometrium, eyes and brain. pr
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