Category vegetable



Generality The generic term chicory identifies a group of herbaceous plants belonging to the Asteraceae family and to the Genus Cichorium . In common language, the species that is usually associated with the term "chicory" is Cichorium intybus L., better known as catalonia or common chicory; however, this is certainly not the only species of the genus Cichorium exploited in human nutrition (for example, we think of C

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What is brovada? Brovada (broade, brovade or bruade) is perhaps the most characteristic recipe of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region; since 2011 it has received the DOP recognition (Protected Designation of Origin). Note : more in the east is a very similar recipe, called "brovada carsolina", initially known as "rava garba" (sour turnip)
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Vegetable broth

What is Vegetable Broth? Vegetable broth is a kitchen base widely used for cooking and serving various types of recipes. In broth we cook and serve many first courses ( pasta or rice in broth, tortellini, canederli, passatelli, shredded eggs etc.); moreover, the broth is used to lengthen the cooking liquids of the roast in the oven, of the stews in fricassee or casserole etc
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Laon artichoke

Generality The artichoke is a food of vegetable origin that belongs to the seventh food group; in the kitchen we eat the flower (see recipes with artichokes), while the leaves and roots find other uses, especially in the phytotherapeutic field and in the liquor industry. The artichoke is an integral part of the traditional gastronomy of many Italian regions, but its use is quite widespread also abroad, especially in the Mediterranean basin
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Generality Artichokes are herbaceous plants typical of the Mediterranean basin (in Italy, they are mainly found in the Center-South); they belong to the family of the Asteraceae, Subfamily Cichorioidae, Genus Cynara and Specie cardunculus ; the most widespread subspecies is the scolymus . Ultimately, the trinomial nomenclature of common artichokes corresponds to Cynara cardunculus scolymus
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Black Carrot

What is the black carrot? The black carrot is a primordial variety of carrot, a biennial herbaceous plant with green stem, with colored root, belonging to the Apiaceae Family, Genus Daucus , Carrot Species; in particular, the black one belongs to the subspecies sativus , variety atrorubens . In botany, therefore, the black carrot is identified by the nomenclature Daucus carota ssp
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Brussels sprouts

Generality Brussels sprouts are edible shoots of the herbaceous plant Brassica oleracea L., gemmifera variety, belonging to the C rucifera family. They are also known as Brussels sprouts, and belong (like broccoli and many others) to the cabbage category, although: Unlike cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts are sprouts (light green) and not the flower of the plant Unlike cabbage, cabbage etc
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Catalonian chicory - asparagus chicory

What is Chicory? The Catalonian chicory or asparagus chicory is a vegetable belonging to the Asteraceae family and to the Genus Cichorium ; its binomial nomenclature is Cichorium intybus L .. The Catalonian chicory or asparagus chicory is green, with a tuft of coast (of variable height), and is characterized by a basically bitter taste (depending on the variety)
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What is Cauliflower Cauliflower is the edible flower of the herbaceous plant Brassica oleracea L., botrytis variety, belonging to the C rucifera family. On the Italian peninsula different varieties of cauliflower (early and late) are cultivated which determine the diversification and the respective vulgar nomenclature; the main ones are: Cauliflower Gigante di Napoli, cauliflower Tardivo di Fano, cauliflower Romanesco and cauliflower Violetto di Catania
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