
Yates's back

Edited by: Francesco Currò

Some time ago, in an email, a friend asked me for an opinion on Dorian Yates's training. Well, I told him that I liked it a lot (indeed, I'm among my favorite training schemes) and that I was really thinking of writing something about it.

Extracted from my new " Training " technical dispensation - where among the various topics I present a complete review of High Intensity, Heavy Duty "Mentzer style" training, Heavy Duty "Yates style" etc. - here are two tables showing how Dorian Yates used to train his back, and above all how, over time - in accordance with the Mentzerian maxim : "... bigger and stronger you become and the less you have to train ... " - the working volume of his training has been gradually decreasing.

The following table is of a Yates "second way", that is since he began to suffer the mentzerian influence of the concept of a single set.

"Yates" style oarsman

(reverse socket and bust inclined at about 70 °)

Rower with a handlebar112
Low pulley18
Traction on the bar with a wide grip1to failure
Lat machine with "trazibar"112
Reverse socket machine16-10
Raise at 90 °16-8

The following table is instead of a Yates, which I would define "last way", that is it is relative to the last years in which it competed.

Reverse socket machine16-10
Traction on the bar with a wide grip1to failure
"Yates" style oarsman

(reverse socket and bust inclined at about 70 °)

Low pulley18
Raise at 90 °16-8

For both tables, the "tactics" remain unchanged:

  • Often vary not so much the exercises (which are excellent), as the order of the same.
  • Arch your back during the exercises; if you are one of those who "normally" bend your back while performing back exercises, lower the weights and try to "re-learn" to perform these exercises.
  • In the low pulley, avoid swinging too much back and forth; it is not absolutely necessary to move the bust too much.
  • It is not bad to use the principles of maximum contraction and continuous tension; remember: quality in performing the exercises!
  • Every so often, after reaching the failure, add some forced repetition.

Few series, but done well; this is a summary of the philosophy of Dorian Yates!

Francesco Currò

Francesco Currò, teacher of ASI / CONI, teacher of the Accademia del Fitness, athletic trainer and personal trainer, is the author of the new book " Full Body ", of the e-book " The Training " and of the book on "Multiple Frequency Systems" . For more information, write to the email address, visit the websites //

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