Category diet examples

Example Scarsdale Diet
diet examples

Example Scarsdale Diet

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Scarsdale diet The Scarsdale diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet

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diet examples

Example Atkins diet

Atkins and Diet The Atkins diet is a nutritional system designed (by the homonymous specialist) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and for weight loss. The method involves four phases: Induction Continuation of weight loss Pre-matenimento Maintenance. Furthermore, it grants the possibility to diversify the objectives and / or decide whether to lose weight more or less quickly
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diet examples

Detox Diet Example - Detoxifying

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Detox Under the generic term Detox is not a specific type of diet, but a group of diets studied for detoxification of the organism
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diet examples

Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Diet for muscle definition The diet for muscle definition is a useful food strategy for the reduction of subcutaneous fat, without having a negative impact on muscular hypertrophy; the muscle-defining diet is therefore the only means to encourage cutting in body-building WITHOUT risking to favor the catabolism of m
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diet examples

Example diet for Diabetes Mellitus type 2

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that affects glucose metabolism; if left untreated, this form of diabetes also affects the state of health, lowering the quality and life expectancy of the patient
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diet examples

Example diet for muscle definition for ectomorphs

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Diet for muscle definition The diet for muscle definition is a dietary scheme useful for reducing the subcutaneous fat deposits that does NOT negatively affect the tissue hypertrophy of skeletal muscles; the diet for muscle definition is, if well calibrated and weighted for physical exercise, the only means to enco
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diet examples

Example of a body-building diet for muscle definition

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Definition in body-building The definition is one of the 4 essential components of body-building (volume, definition, proportions and symmetry)
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diet examples

Example Diet against Diarrhea

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Diarrhea Diarrhea means a condition of intestinal discomfort that causes at least three daily evacuations of very soft or liquid stools
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diet examples

Example Dissociated Diet

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Dissociated diet The dissociated diet was devised by dr
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diet examples

Example Diet in Pregnancy

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Pregnancy, Hygiene and Nutrition Diet is a determining factor for the success of gestation
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diet examples

Ialal Hernia diet example

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Hiatal hernia The hiatal hernia is a pathology caused by the ascent of a portion of the stomach from the abdominal cavity to the thoracic cavity, through the esophageal diaphragmatic hole; hiatal hernia affects up to 15% of Italians and, among the most frequent comorbidities, appears gastro-esophageal reflux diseas
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