Category eye health

eye health


What is the conjunctiva The conjunctiva is the thin mucous membrane that covers the anterior surface of the eyeball (with the exception of the cornea) and the inner surface of the eyelids. Its main function is to protect the eye, thanks to the coating it provides, from foreign bodies and infections. Furthermore, this anatomical ocular structure helps maintain the tear film and facilitates the sliding of the two opposing conjunctival surfaces, thus avoiding friction in the blinking phases

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eye health


Definition of blepharitis Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, which is distinguished by the appearance of crusts, scales and irritative ulcers along the eyelid margin. Depending on the nature of the inflammation, blepharitis can cause rather modest symptoms or cause obvious palpebral deformities with loss of cilia or alteration of ciliary growth
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eye health


Calazio: what is it? Calazio is a chronic inflammation of the meibomian sebaceous glands located along the entire thickness of the lower and upper eyelids. Typical of blepharitis, seborrhea and acne rosacea, calazi are easily distinguished from other ocular pathologies by the formation of a cystic lesion in correspondence with the gland involved in the infection
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eye health

Cataract: therapy, intervention and prevention

Short summary Progressive and irreversible, cataract is an eye disease typical of the elderly, which consists in the gradual opacification of the lens. In simple terms, the cataract is a pathological state in which there is a loss of transparency of the lens. When not surgically treated, the cataract can first cause a slight blurring of the vision which, then, almost always leads to the most absolute blindness
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eye health

Cataract: symptoms and complications

Introduction "How to observe the world under water": this is how many patients suffering from cataracts define their ability to perceive an image, while fixing it carefully. Cataract is an eye disease in which the crystalline lens, the biconvex natural lens that refracts light to focus on an object, undergoes a progressive opacification
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eye health


Definition of cataract Cataract is defined as a partial or total opacification of the crystalline lens, the natural transparent lens inside the eye that allows to correctly display an object, a figure or any other image. The lens plays a very important role for the eye: similarly to the lens of a camera, this lens placed inside the eyeball has the task of focusing on the retina the light that exceeds the cornea
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eye health

Keratitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Introduction Keratitis is a general inflammation of the cornea. Although often infectious in nature, keratitis can also be caused by surgical trauma or favored by the penetration of an object into the eye. Although it may ideally affect anyone, infectious keratitis occurs more often in severely immunocompromised patients (eg those affected by the HIV virus) and weakened; the a traumatic variant of keratitis is instead a typical - albeit not exclusive - condition of contact lens wearers
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eye health


Definition of Keratitis In medicine the term keratitis identifies a generic inflammation of the cornea, the thin membrane that covers the iris and pupil of the eye. Although the most common keratitis has an infectious origin, the causes of corneal inflammation can also be found in traumas of a different nature
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eye health


Definition Keratoconjunctivitis is a pathological condition characterized by the simultaneous inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) and conjunctiva (conjunctivitis). There are different sub-categories of keratoconjunctivitis, essentially distinguished on the basis of the causal agent and the symptoms with which they occur
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eye health

Antibiotic eye drops

What is that Antibiotic eye drops - together with ophthalmic ointments with antibiotic action - is the main medicine used for the treatment of bacterial eye infections. Of course, the use of antibiotic eye drops must be carried out only on the doctor's instructions and dispensing can only take place upon presentation of a specific recipe
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eye health

Conjunctivitis eye drops

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Choice of eye drops The eye drops are undoubtedly the drugs of first choice for the treatment of conjunctivitis, a disorder that is characterized by the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The administration of drugs in the form of eye drops is extremely advantageous because, by directly instilling the active ingredient in the eye, the healing time of the disease is accelerated
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