Category bone health

Costal Volet
bone health

Costal Volet

Generality Costal volet is a potentially lethal medical condition, characterized by the paradoxical movement of a group of at least three ribs that have suffered a fracture in at least two distinct points. The peculiarities of this paradoxical movement can be observed during the respiratory act. In the inspiratory phase, while the rib cage expands, the group of ribs (called "segment") moves towards the inside, crushing the adjacent lung; in the expiratory phase, instead, while the thoracic cage is reduced in terms of volume, the segment tends to move outwards

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bone health

Prevent Osteoporosis

The prevention of osteoporosis concerns a set of suggestions concerning the habits and lifestyle of the general population; it is a matter of expedients useful for the PROTECTION of health against a strongly debilitating disease. Put simply, the prevention of osteoporosis is represented by a set of protective measures adopted to limit the onset of a skeletal disorder
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bone health


Definition and classification The rickets is a skeletal pathology (osteopathy) with infantile onset, caused by a defect in the mineralization of the bone matrix and potentially responsible, in an advanced stage, for deformity and bone fractures. Based on the etiopathogenesis of rickets it is possible to classify it as: Rickitism due to altered intake of vit D (calciferol): lack of rickets rickets due to chronic intestinal malabsorption Rickets with altered hepatic metabolism of vit D: rickets in hepato-biliary diseases (hepatic osteodystrophy) chronic treatment rickets with anticonvulsant drugs
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bone health


What is Arthrosis Osteoarthritis - also called osteoarthritis or less correctly osteoarthritis - is a chronic disease that affects the joints ( arthropathy ). It is a degenerative type of disease, as it leads to the progressive loss of the normal anatomical components that form the joints. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the spine (the vertebrae) and the joints of the limbs, and is characterized by the loss of articular cartilage, which is replaced by new bone tissue; this causes pain and a limitation in movements
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bone health

Septic arthritis

Septic arthritis: definition In medicine, septic arthritis designates a complex clinical picture, supported by a bacterial infection affecting a joint: to create similar damage, the pathogen, after having invaded the membrane and the synovial fluid, gives rise to an exaggerated inflammatory response, which can lead to the formation of the so-called piartro , a purulent exudate in the joint space
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bone health

Septic Arthritis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure

Septic arthritis: introduction As analyzed in the previous discussion, septic arthritis is a painful infection of the joints, the cause of which resides more often in bacterial insults and, more rarely, in viral and fungal attacks. Septic arthritis gives rise to extremely painful symptoms associated with redness, swelling and a burning sensation; After analyzing the symptoms of septic arthritis in more detail, we will analyze the diagnostic strategies and therapies available for treating the disease
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bone health

Coxa Valga

Generality The coxa valga is the deformity of the hip in which the angle existing between the head-neck complex of the femur and the body of the femur measures at least 140 degrees, that is at least 5 degrees more than that which represents normality. Image taken from An example of valgus, coxa valga can be the result of some neuromuscular diseases (eg: cerebral palsy), some skeletal dysplasias (eg: mucopolysaccharidosis) or hip trauma at a young age, such as to alter the normal growth process of the femur
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bone health

Coxa Vara

Generality The coxa vara is the deformity of the hip in which the angle existing between the head-neck complex of the femur and the body of the femur measures less than the minimum value considered normal, which is 120 degrees. Image taken from An example of varus, the coxa vara can be a congenital deformity (ie present since birth) or acquired (that is, developed in the course of life, following some disease or other condition)
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bone health

Bilateral Coxarthrosis

Generality Bilateral coxarthrosis is osteoarthritis in both hip joints. Typical of advanced age, bilateral coxarthrosis can be an idiopathic condition - that is, that arises without recognizable causes - or a secondary condition, that is supported by a very specific factor; the causative factors of secondary bilateral coxarthrosis include diseases such as congenital dysplasia of the hip, trauma to the hip, obesity, diseases of the cartilage, etc
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bone health


Definition of spondylosis Spondylosis is a degenerative disease that involves the cervical spine, vertebral bodies and contiguous intervertebral tissues. It is a generalized arthrosis in the vertebral column, in which the progressive, albeit slow, deformation of the posterior vertebral joints and of the disc is expected
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bone health

Cervical pain

Message sent by: Salvatore Hi Salvatore, if the traumatic event dates back to about 5 years ago I suppose in the meantime you have carried out all the necessary investigations (x-rays, magnetic resonances, specialist examinations, etc.). If these checks have shown a simple stretching of the neck muscles of the left side you need to know that this is an acute traumatic event that generally should be resolved within 15-30 days
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