Category surgical interventions

Amputation: What is it?  Types and Consequences of G.Bertelli
surgical interventions

Amputation: What is it? Types and Consequences of G.Bertelli

Generality Amputation consists of surgical removal or accidental (spontaneous or traumatic) loss of a limb or part of it. Accidental loss means that amputation can occur after traumas or accidents where the limb can be severed, crushed or torn. The spontaneous fall of a finger (or part of it) or of an extremity can result from gangrene or from another serious morbid process

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surgical interventions

Hair Transplant

What is Hair Transplant? Hair transplantation (or autotransplantation) is a surgical technique based on the transfer of small fragments of skin - and related hair bulbs - from areas of the head that are thicker to others that are more sparse. These are therefore live follicles taken from the same patient; it is not possible to use the bulbs of a donor, nor to insert synthetic ones
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surgical interventions

Apicectomy: execution and post-intervention

What is apicectomy? Apicectomy is an invasive dental procedure that involves removing the infected apex of a dental root. If the infection cannot be treated by simple devitalisation, apicectomy is the first-line surgical procedure for restoring granulomas, cysts and dental abscesses. Despite being relatively simple and almost painless, an apicectomy intervention still requires the qualification of the operator and the collaboration on the part of the patient
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surgical interventions


Generality The appendectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the appendix. This type of operation is usually performed in case of appendicitis , acute or chronic. To better understand what appendectomy is, how it is practiced and why its application is required, it may be useful to open a small parenthesis on what appendicitis is and what are its causes
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surgical interventions


Apicectomy: key points Apicectomy is the first choice surgical procedure for the treatment of non-curable dental granulomas through simple devitalization (canal filling). Precisely, apicectomy involves two basic steps: Removal of the apex of a tooth root severely infected with bacteria Filling of the open root cavity with a biocompatible material (retrograde dental seal) Terminology Dental granuloma: chronic inflammation of the root apex of a tooth Dental root: section of the tooth inserted into the alveolar bone, inside which is contained the dental pulp (the vital part of a tooth) Apex of a r
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surgical interventions


What is devitalization? Devitalization is a surgical procedure that involves the destruction and subsequent removal of the pulp of a tooth; it is performed when this tissue, rich in nerve endings and blood vessels, is irretrievably compromised by extensive cariogenic processes, trauma or other severe dental disorders
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surgical interventions

Judgment tooth extraction

Premise The irrepressible anguish that is often hidden behind the extraction of a wisdom tooth is a fact. We are talking about a surgical operation which consists in the literal removal of one or more wisdom teeth (the so-called third molars) from the mouth. Today, the extraction of a wisdom tooth is included in the list of routine dental operations; therefore, the experience acquired by a doctor in performing such dental operations should immediately calm the patient
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surgical interventions


Generality The term "laparotomy" is used to indicate the set of all surgical techniques performed by making an incision along the abdominal wall, so as to be able to intervene directly in the abdominal cavity and in the organs contained within it. Types of Laparotomy Depending on the abdominal area where surgery is required, the surgeon will perform the type of laparotomy that best suits each case
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surgical interventions


What is scraping? The curettage - or curettage - is a surgical procedure that uses the help of a curette (a sort of sharp spoon) to remove a portion of the endometrium or an abnormal mass contained in the uterus. Scraping is performed to diagnose or treat different uterine conditions. This is a painful medical practice, which as such requires a general (more often) or local (less frequently) anesthesia
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surgical interventions

Intervention and types of tracheotomy

Types of tracheotomy? The tracheotomy is a delicate surgical maneuver performed to construct a direct (and reversible) respiratory communication between the external environment and the tracheal lumen. This passage, created by making an incision of skin and tracheal wall, is made possible through the insertion of a special tracheal cannula
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surgical interventions


What is the tracheotomy? Tracheotomy is a surgical tracheal maneuver performed to facilitate breathing when oxygen supply is insufficient. Specifically, the tracheotomy involves two very important and distinct phases: Temporary dilatation (opening) of the cervical tracheal wall through an incision of the skin at the level of the trachea Subsequent placement of a special tracheal cannula able to guarantee the passage of air from the outside towards the lungs and vice versa By creating a direct relationship between the tracheobronchial pathway and the external environment, the tracheotomy guarant
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