Category diabetes

Hyperglycemic crisis

Hyperglycemic crisis

Premise The understanding of this article requires the knowledge of some preliminary notions illustrated in the previous article dedicated to hypo-glycemic crises. What is a hyperglycemic crisis? A hyperglycemic crisis is the phase between the moment in which the blood sugar rises significantly above the values ​​considered normal (hyperglycemia) and that in which the blood sugar drops, returning to the normal range, due to an adequate therapeutic intervention. It

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Diabetic paste

Pasta food Pasta is a TYPICAL ITALIAN product; it is a food composed of cereal-based flours, water and possibly other ingredients (eggs, fillings, etc.); the production of pasta is carried out through: mixing and processing, fragmentation and forming, possible drying. Its nutritional composition is characterized by: High energy intake High intake of complex carbohydrates Pasta can be dry (75% of total national consumption) or fresh (25%); the dry one must be composed EXCLUSIVELY of durum wheat semolina or semolina , while the fresh or egg one (having higher acidity and humidity) can contain up
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Vanadium sulfate or Vanadylsulfate (VOSO4)

Vanadium [V]: chemical element with atomic number 23; it is an element that is found in metals, consequently it is used in metallurgy for the production of alloys. In biology, Vanadium is a constituent of enzymes such as vanadium-nitrogenase, and in various biological systems it seems essential to organic homeostasis
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Diabetic coma

Generality Diabetic coma is one of the most serious complications of diabetes, which, if not properly treated, can even be fatal. Fortunately, nowadays diabetic coma rarely constitutes a cause of death for patients suffering from this pathology. However, it is good that it is not underestimated and, as soon as suspicious symptoms appear, it is essential to consult a doctor or the nearest hospital, before the patient encounters the loss of consciousness that characterizes this condition
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Diabetic Foot

Introduction Typical complication of chronic neglected hyperglycemia, the diabetic foot is the result of a series of metabolic alterations that weigh heavily on the functional and structural integrity of the blood vessels. When not properly cared for, the diabetic foot can cause catastrophic consequences such as bleeding ulcers, infections and gangrene
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Diabetic Foot

Definition As the term itself anticipates, the diabetic foot (or neuropathic foot) represents a fearsome chronic complication of diabetes: it is a morbid state that develops as a consequence of neuropathy * and arteriopathy *, typical pathological conditions of the metabolic disease of origin. * Glossary Neuropathy: alteration of the peripheral nervous system that occurs mainly with tingling, cramping, gait disorders and altered sensitivity (inability to perceive pain, hot and cold) Arteriopathy: pathological condition that refers to problems of blood circulation in the arteries (poor blood cir
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Diabetic foot: diagnosis, treatment and treatment

The problem of the Diabetic Foot Probably, the diabetic foot is the most debilitating complication of chronic neglected hyperglycemia: it is a pathological condition that negatively affects the patient's quality of life, so much so as to require scrupulous and constant hygiene of his feet supported by frequent medical checks
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Diabetes and personal trainers

By Dr. Ferdinando Spatalino The term diabetes mellitus describes a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with alteration of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, caused by defects in insulin secretion or insulin action, or both. In common parlance we distinguish two main forms of diabetes mellitus, called type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes and adult-onset diabetes with insulin resistance or type 2 respectively
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Vokanamet - canagliflozin and metformin

What is Vokanamet - canagliflozin and metformin used for? Vokanamet is a medicine that contains the active substances canagliflozin and metformin . It is indicated, in addition to diet and exercise, to control blood glucose (sugar) levels in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled with metformin taken alone; it is also indicated in combination with other antidiabetic medicines, including insulin, when these medicines, in combination with metformin, do not provide adequate diabetes control
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Type 2 diabetes

Generality Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. At the origin of type two diabetes there are generally 2 alterations: insulin resistance and a deficiency of secretion of the hormone insulin, by pancreatic cells responsible for this function
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Chromium and Diabetes: an effective remedy?

Chromium is a well-known micronutrient among diabetics due to its potential to increase sensitivity to insulin by improving glucose tolerance. From a metabolic point of view, chromium appears to be able to enhance the actions of insulin, falling within the so-called glucose tolerance factor, a low molecular weight substance that - by binding to insulin and its receptor - would initiate that cascade of intracellular events leading to migration of the glucose transporter pool from the cytoplasm to the cell membrane
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