Category anatomy

Short lead

Short lead

The short adductor muscle is a triangular-shaped muscle originating from the medial portion of the anterior aspect of the superior branch of the pubis and from the superior portion of the anterior aspect of the ischiopubic branch. It is inserted on the upper third of the medial lip of the rough line of the femur

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Anatomy and exercises for thighs and buttocks

Edited by Andrea De Lucchi Similarly to the definition of shoulder girdle, we could define the pelvic girdle as that functional complex made up of bones, joints and muscles, which allows reciprocal mobility between the pelvis and the root of attack of the lower limbs, but also between the pelvis and the vertebral column
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Anatomy and exercises for arms and legs

Edited by Andrea De Lucchi Concluding the analysis of the shoulder girdle it is necessary to include other muscle districts which at first sight may have little to do with this functional complex. These are muscles that perform their main function at the level of the elbow joint, thus belonging to the upper limbs but which, being biarticular, also affect the scapulo-humeral articulation
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Long thumb abductor

The long abductor muscle of the thumb is the most lateral of the deep posterior muscles of the forearm. It originates on the dorsal face of the ulna, distal to the crest of the supinator muscle, on the interosseous membrane and on the dorsal face of the radium. With his insertion tendon he crosses the 1st dorsal carpal ligament duct and inserts himself at the base of the first metacarpal bone
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Short lead

The short adductor muscle is a triangular-shaped muscle originating from the medial portion of the anterior aspect of the superior branch of the pubis and from the superior portion of the anterior aspect of the ischiopubic branch. It is inserted on the upper third of the medial lip of the rough line of the femur
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Clavicle origins and muscle and ligament insertions

Click on the name of the muscles to view their anatomical features COSTOCLAVICOLAR BONDAGE extends between the coracoid process and the clavicle and is divided into an antero-medial part (trapezoid leg) and posterolateral (leg conoid) TRAPEZOID BOND: originates from the superomedial margin of the coracoid process and moves towards the trapezoid line of the clavicle CONOID BONDAGE: originates from the base of the coracoid process and ends, radiating in a fan pattern, on the cone-shaped tubercle of the clavicle SEE ALSO: fracture of the clavicle Upper limb Lower limb Trunk Abdomen Articles
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Long connector

The long adductor muscle is a flat muscle with a triangular shape. It originates from the anterior aspect of the superior branch of the pubis and is inserted on the middle third of the rough line of the femur. Superficially it is covered by the femoral fascia and with its action it externally adducts and rotates (extraloting) the thigh, it can also intervene in the thigh flexion on the pelvis
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Anatomy and physiology of the colon

Large intestine Colitis Irritable bowel syndrome Colon cancer Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Anatomy The colon is a hollow organ (or bowel), placed in the abdominal area, about a meter and a half long, which begins at the level of the ileo-cecal valve, terminal part of the small intestine, and ends with the rectum and the anal canal
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The anconeus muscle originates from the posterior surface of the epicondyle of the humerus and is inserted on the proximal fourth of the dorsal face of the ulna. With its action it collaborates with the triceps muscle in the extension of the forearm; abducts and stabilizes the ulna. It is innervated by the radial nerve C7, C8
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Brachial biceps

The BRACHIAL BICIPITE is a biarticular muscle that is part of the anterior muscles of the arm. It consists of two heads: one long and one short. The long head, situated laterally, originates from the supra-glenoid tubercle of the scapula and from the glenoid labrum (it therefore has an intracapsular origin) through a long cylindrical-shaped tendon
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