Category ear health

Otosclerosis - Diagnosis and Therapy
ear health

Otosclerosis - Diagnosis and Therapy

Diagnosis Given the importance of signs, the diagnosis of otosclerosis is based mainly on audiometry and tympanometry . The latter, in fact, provide more than reliable data and are considered the best tests to perform a precise diagnosis. The differential diagnosis is also useful, that is the diagnosis based on the exclusion of pathologies with symptoms similar to those of otosclerosis

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ear health


Definition of cerumen Earwax is a waxy, yellowish-brownish secretion produced by the ceruminous and sebaceous glands located in the outer portion of the ear canal. Under physiological conditions, the earwax secreted slowly flows towards the outside of the auricle: having arrived here, earwax can be removed by careful washing
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ear health

Ear pain - Otalgia

Definition of otalgia The term "otalgia" is used in the medical field to indicate a generic pain in the ears. The severity of the disorder and the intensity of the pain clearly depend on the cause that triggered the otalgia. Ear pain can be perceived as continuous, intermittent, pulsating, rhythmic, dull or unbearable
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ear health


What is labyrinthitis? Labyrinthitis is defined as an inflammation of the labyrinth and other internal structures of the ear; it is an alteration of the unilateral vestibular function. Before proceeding with the analysis of the labyrinthitis, let us briefly recall that the labyrinth corresponds to a small inner auricular portion, consisting of organs used for maintaining balance and listening to words and music
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ear health


Definition Rare pathological condition typically infantile, mastoiditis outlines an inflammatory-infectious purulent process, with an acute or chronic course, against the mastoid (or mastoid cells). Normally, mastoiditis is due to a bacterial insult, which is why it is considered the most immediate consequence of otitis media
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ear health

Ear infection

Otitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the ear. Complication common to many flu diseases, otitis is generally due to bacterial or viral insults. Classification of otitis Based on the involved auricular portion, it is possible to distinguish more forms of otitis: Internal otitis: inflammation involves the inner ear
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ear health

External Otitis - Otitis of the swimmer

Key points Otitis externa - also called otitis of the swimmer - is an inflammatory process affecting the external auditory canal. Causes Otitis externa is due to viral (especially herpetic), bacterial and sometimes mycotic infections. More often, otitis externa is a consequence of eczema or purulent otitis media
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ear health

Otitis Media

Key points Otitis media is an acute or chronic inflammation of the middle ear. Causes Otitis media is a common complication of colds, pharyngitis, flu and allergies. Other predisposing factors include: shingles, enlargement of the adenoids, scarlet fever. Symptoms Otitis media is accompanied by inflammation and pain in the ears (otalgia), accompanied by the characteristic symptoms of the triggering disease: sore throat, fever / low-grade fever, nasal congestion (stuffy nose), cough
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ear health

Otoscope - Otoscopy

Generality Otoscopy is an objective examination of the ear, which allows inspection of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane; in this way, the doctor can identify the presence of foreign bodies and / or pathological conditions that can cause various disorders, such as, for example, ear pain, hearing loss or deafness
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ear health

Ears cleaning

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Clean your ears Proper ear cleaning is essential to minimize the risk of infection and prevent the appearance of ear wax caps. As we know, the ears are extremely fragile sensory organs, therefore they require a delicate but at the same time adequate and effective cleaning
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ear health

Ringing in the Ears

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Key points Ringing in the ears are annoying, continuous or intermittent noises, perceived in the absence of external sound sources: the ringing in the ears can regress in a short time or constantly torment those affected. Causes Temporary ringing in the ears → caused by gunshot, loud music Pathological ringing in the ears → can be caused by: neurological alterations (eg multiple sclerosis, head tumor), infections, excessive drug intake, muscle spasms of the ear, otological changes (eg Meniere's disease, otitis, otosclerosis, earwax cap), allergie
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