Category meat



Generality Nowadays, cutlet is a generic term that indicates a food (animal or vegetable), breaded and cooked in a fat or grilled, grilled or baked. The cutlet was born as a French dish, where the term cotêlette simply means a cutlet of sheep, pork or beef. Only recently has it been given the meaning of breaded and fried meatball or croquette.

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Pork loin

Generality Arista is the dialectal term, which has become an official noun, referring to the main ingredient of a category of recipes typical of the Tuscan region. It is a part of the pig's back (trinomial nomenclature: Sus scrofa domesticus ) to be cooked whole, as a roasted dish in the oven or on a spit, or overcooked casserole; it is flavored with herbs and spices or accompanied with sauces and side dishes, depending on the specific recipe
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Meat boiled

Generality "Bollito" means "cooked by boiling", then cooked through a heat treatment that uses the convection of hot water on the raw material to be cooked. The fundamental requirement of this processing is that the water temperature AT THE TIME OF DIVING the food must be as high as possible
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Fiorentina - Florentine Steak

What is that The Florentine steak is a typical Italian product, belonging to the 1st food group; its roots are Tuscan, to be precise, sinking in the Florence area. However, as can be seen by comparing the Florentine steak to other similar preparations (mainly Anglo-Saxon), the doubt arises that one could have caused the birth of the other
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Pork chop

Generality Chops are one of the most common and requested cuts of pork in Italy; the animal from which they are obtained mainly is precisely the Suis Scrofa Domesticus , or the pig (also called pig or pig). The chops, in reality, correspond to a slice of the carré , understood as the anatomical part placed at the center of the loin (between the capocollo and the knot).
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Hat of the Priest: Nutritional Properties, Role in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this What is a priest's hat? Cappello del prete is a name used to indicate products of the same fundamental group of foods, totally different as regards their nutritional properties, but similar for the typical triangular or tricornuta shape. With the cap word of the priest, therefore, we could identify: Fresh cut of beef, forming part of the anterior quarter, more precisely of the shoulder; other synonyms are "shoulder" and "shoulder pulp" Pork sausage "to be cooked" - such as, for example, cotechino, zampone and salama da sugo ferrarese - typical P
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Capocollo, Coppa, Coppone: Nutritional Properties, Use in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this Capocollo, coppa or coppone: what is it? Capocollo, coppa, coppone and scamerita are the names commonly used to indicate a specific cut of pork or beef. The capocollo, rich in high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals, belongs to the first fundamental food group. On the other hand, it also brings a significant amount of fat - part of which is saturated - and cholesterol
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Capon of R.Borgacci

What's this What is the capon? The capon is a voltatile, more precisely a male chicken, castrated at a young age, commonly used for food purposes. Did you know that ... The term "capon" comes from the Latin "capo-onis" - in turn derived from Greek "κόπτω" - which means "to cut". Cap
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Meat alla Pizzaiola

Generality Carne alla pizzaiola is the name used for a group of typical Italian recipes, prepared with two main ingredients: meat (veal, beef or pork) and tomato. Pizzaiola meat has a multitude of gastronomic variations, which affect both the ingredients and the cooking method; this differentiates them: delicate or consistent recipes, high digestibility or more tenacious, of rapid or prolonged execution etc
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Rabbit meat

Generality The rabbit is a rabbit-like mammal-like creature belonging to the Leporidae family and to the genus Oryctolagus (European) or Sylvilagus (American). The binomial nomenclature of the European rabbit (the most widespread in Italy) is Oryctolagus cuniculus. The term "rabbit" refers to a wide range of wild creatures or for breeding (for fur or for human consumption); the European and the American ones are the two Genres most raised on the planet
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