Category sport

Panic in scuba diving

Panic in scuba diving

By Dr. Stefano Casali The panic attack Epidemiological studies on the population conducted in the USA have observed an annual prevalence of panic disorders ranging from 0.4 / 100 to 1.5 / 100, while European and Italian ones give an annual prevalence of 1.7 / 100 [7]. A study [8], among those who practice diving, has shown that panic is higher among women (64%) than men (50%), but that the latter are more (48%) who perceive this event as a threat to their life (in women the percentage is 35%)

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Training 3000 Hedges - Athletic Preparation

The 3000m runner with hedges specialist has some peculiar characteristics with respect to the short and / or prolonged runner runner; these are: Possess a high VAmax, comparable to that of the extended middle-distance runner who practices the 5.000m, and in parallel a race speed that corresponds to 95% of the VAmax itself (see calculation of the VAmax) Possess a capacity of strength similar to that of the short middle distance runner who practices the 1500m, useful for overcoming obstacles and the riviera (n ° 35) Possess high coordination skills to have the least possible energy expenditure wh
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Training schedule for athletics

How to start programming The training for athletics must be the fruit of the union between scientific and inventiveness / experience of the coach. First of all, it is essential that the training program for athletics is customized to the subject to be trained, therefore it is NEVER possible to disregard the initial analysis of the athlete / sportsman and his hunting goals
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Strength training for fast athletics races

Short introduction to fast running training The training of fast races, as for many other disciplines, cannot ignore the development of the athlete's general abilities (especially in the initial phase of starting sport), even if at a later time it is equally essential to introduce specific training of speed in the race
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Practical training for athletics

The realization of the training for athletics takes place on the basis of 3 fundamental lines: Programming execution Control (test) It is a rather complex procedure that, in simple terms, needs more attention towards some main factors: quality to train, means and tools, frequency of use in training cycles, levels of development of quantity and intensity of stimulus
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Athletics march - Generalities and Training

The march is a "basic" discipline of athletics, since it is carried out on 20km and 50km Olympic road distances. Pitch technique and analysis The technique of the march is regulated by the IAAF rules: Athletic walking is a progression of steps taken so that the athlete maintains contact with the ground without visible loss of contact
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Diving Apnea - Risks and Dangers

In the following article, a fundamental topic will be discussed, common to all sports activities potentially at risk : SAFETY; more precisely, the reduction of risks and dangers in the activity of underwater apnea . Scuba diving is a sport that can be practiced at all levels, from the amateur to the professional; it is a so-called MINOR sport, as the level of popularity and the importance of the sponsors are absolutely marginal compared to many other more known activities (football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, tennis, etc
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Obstacle courses in athletics - training

Let us begin by pointing out that, unlike the other fast-running disciplines, the obstacle course (hs) requires such a high level of demonstrative precision and accuracy that, while deepening the details in detail, it would be almost totally useless for strictly progressive purposes- didactic, and therefore executive, of the athletic gesture
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Double training periodization in the 100 and 200m fast races: double periodization

1st PREPARATORY PERIOD - FUNDAMENTAL PERIOD 1 - means to be used in the weekly microcycle Explosive force and elastic explosive ½ continuous and fast squat: 4 series of 6-8 rips at 100-200% of body weight Continuous deep bending (thigh parallel to the ground): 4 sets of 5 rips up to 200% of body weight Deep jump from stationary jump: 4 sets of 4-5 rip starting at 100% of body weight (for juniors 50-80% of body weight) Deep jump from stationary jump: 4 sets of 4-5 rip starting at 50% of body weight (for juniors 20-40% of body weight) ½ Continuous jump squat: 6 sets of 6-8 rips at 100% of body we
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Technical exercises for fast running in athletics

Running technique The technical exercises for the fast running in athletics differ in 2 learning blocks as an integral part of all the sessions. ATTENTION ! All technical exercises NEED constant monitoring and any correction by the technician; moreover, regardless of the presence or not of the coach, these exercises begin ALWAYS slowly and develop more and more dynamically after the athletic gesture is sufficiently stabilized
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Strength in training for athletics

Strength is the ability of skeletal muscle to produce tension. In the practice of athletics, strength is one of the fundamental athletic skills and participates in the development of power in the specific athletic gesture; among the various disciplines, the one that requires more power (therefore greater strength) is the throwing of the weight
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