Category fish

Sepia Black

Sepia Black

Generality Cuttlefish black is the ink used for defensive purposes by the cephalopod molluscs of the Sepiidae family (commonly known as cuttlefish). In various parts of the world, including Italy, cuttlefish ink is a very popular food; freshly extracted, it is considered a product of great gastronomic value

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What is the Alaccia The alaccia is a sea fish, whose scientific name corresponds to Alaccia Aurita , a species belonging to the Clupeidae family and to the "blue fish" category. Habitat, Biology, Description The alaccia is a gregarious pelagic fish that feeds on zooplankton; it is silver-colored with a blue-green back and is distinguished from the sardine by a yellow median line that separates the back from the belly; commonly reaches 35-40 centimeters in length
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The Eagle The spearfish, or rather Belone belone , is a gregarious fish that reaches 80 centimeters in length, belonging to the "belonidae" family; its body is fusiform with a circular section, and the head is characterized by a long beak similar to that of birds. The back is blue, the sides fade into silver while the belly is vaguely yellowish white; the bone is typically bluish in color
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Eel in the Kitchen - How to Cook Eel

Speaking of how to choose, prepare and cook the eel you could write an entire book (to be honest, someone has already done it). With this article we will limit ourselves to conveying some basic and fundamental concepts for the preparation of this fish, so little appreciated by the inexperienced but capable of "bewitching" those who had the chance to eat it well prepared
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Eel - Generalities and Nutritional Characteristics

Generality The Italian eel is the same species ( Anguilla anguilla called "European eel") that colonizes the inland waters of the Old Continent, before migrating towards the Sargasso Sea crossing the Mediterranean and then the Atlantic Ocean; it is a bone fish that can easily survive in both fresh and salt water
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Lobster - Mediterranean lobsters

Morphologically speaking, the lobster DOES NOT possess the BIG frontal CHELES instead characteristic of the lobsters (crustaceans belonging to the Species Hommarus ); despite this, and although they are different for family and genus, lobster and lobster are frequently confused with each other, probably due to the similar shape of shrimp and the considerable size that can reach both
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Characteristics, habitat and nutritional properties The herring, or Clupea harengus , is a pelagic "blue" fish of the Clupeidae family. It lives in large schools that populate only the coastal areas of the North Atlantic Ocean (Iceland, Groellandia, North America, northern Europe [above all Holland and Norway] etc); curiously, during the herring fishing it is not unusual to run into a large "abyssal" specimen (1500 meters deep) commonly called "King of the Herring"
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Lobster - Lobsters

Generality First of all it is good to remember that the lobster is NOT the lobster; these are two souls who belong to different Species, Genres and Families. The lobsters are Decapod crustaceans of the family Nephropidae and of the genus Homarus ; from the morphological point of view, they are particularly similar to the Italian prawns or crayfish (such as Austropotamobius pallipes ) while, compared to the group of sea prawns, the lobsters are distinguished by: Two large frontal claws, one more imposing than the other, with which it hunts and defends itself from predators like: halibut, plaice,
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Codfish by R.Borgacci

What's this What is cod? Baccalà is the name of a food based on Atlantic cod or white cod - Gadidae family, Genus Gadus and morhua species - strongly dehydrated. Not to be confused with stockfish, instead dried for cold ventilation - principle of convection - and solar radiation, the dried cod is dried by salting - osmotic effect of coarse salt.
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What are whitebait? The bianchetti (dialectally known as gianchetti, newborn, hundred bocconi, nuccu etc.) are tiny transparent or milk-colored little fishes. Fished and used for food purposes, the bianchetti are biologically considered to be fish juveniles ( fry ); It is NOT therefore fish that remain small
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