Category beauty

Pumice Stone

Pumice Stone

Generality Pumice stone is a volcanic rock, very light and porous. This material is widely used in the cosmetic field , thanks to its slightly abrasive abilities, which make it ideal for taking care of the skin and your body in general. Pumice stone has extremely versatile properties and can be used in various areas, for exfoliation of dead cells, callus removal or hair removal

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Treating Cellulite - Nutrition and Physical Activity

The treatment of cellulite is a controversial topic that often generates small diatribes among sports technicians, food professionals, masseurs, pharmacists, plastic surgeons, beauticians etc. As often happens, the difference of opinion arises from the fact that nobody has the absolute truth about the best recipe for the treatment of cellulite in his pocket
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Cellulite: causes of origin and evolution

By Dr. Davide Cacciola Edematous-fibro-sclerotic panniculopathy, better known as cellulitis , is a pathology that indicates an altered condition of the hypodermis, a subcutaneous tissue present underneath the skin, consisting mainly of fat cells. Ipoderma is an active tissue because its metabolism is linked to the caloric balance
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By Dr. Gianfranco De Angelis CELLULITE: term of current use used to define a particular dysfunction of the subcutaneous tissue and dermis exchange; in practice, it is the ultimate effect of an altered connective tissue turnover. The female sex is more affected (over 95% of cases) and the disease is often associated with dysmetabolic and endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes, pituitary dysfunction)
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Cellulite: what is the most suitable physical activity?

By Dr. Davide Cacciola Physical activity is a great way to combat cellulite For the moment there are two currents of thought on the most suitable physical activity in this case: the supporters of the fact that lactic acid, produced by the metabolism of sugars in lack of oxygen, therefore during medium / high intensity activities, may be an aggravating factor is cellulite, and those who think they are not
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Tan and Ultraviolet rays

The sun In addition to the well-known ultraviolet rays responsible for tanning, the sun emits a large quantity and variety of electromagnetic radiations that originate from the thermonuclear reactions that take place at the level of its nucleus. Fortunately, solar radiation is largely absorbed by the earth's atmosphere which acts as a real filter
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Artificial Tan

Generality The artificial tan is a practice that allows you to tan the skin through the use of equipment equipped with UV lamps, or through the use of those that are commonly referred to as "tanning lamps". Anyone who does not want to give up the coveted bronze color during the winter months, therefore, can resort "quietly" to artificial lamps
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Evolution of the tan phenomenon in the last century

Introduction The relationship between man and tan has changed profoundly in recent years, in line with the socio-economic changes that have occurred in the history of humanity. However, over the years, tanning has always been used as a distinctive feature of different social classes: since ancient times it has been considered a prerogative of the less wealthy and poorer social classes, to then take on the meaning contrary to the passage of time and with the advent of industries
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Fruit Acids - Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids

What are Fruit acids - also known as alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids - are widely used for their exfoliating and antioxidant properties. The name of these particular types of acids comes from the fact that they are present in large quantities inside the fruit. These include: malic acid from apples, tartaric acid from grapes, glycolic acid from sugar cane, citrus citric acid, mandelic acid from almonds, etc
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Food and Tanning

Generality Food and tanning are closely related concepts. Usually, when we talk about tanning, we immediately think about how to obtain it by protecting the skin from the harmful action of the sun's rays with specific cosmetics, without taking into account how much food plays a fundamental role in this area
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Tanning and Protection

Generality Tanning is the main defense mechanism that our skin adopts to protect itself from the harmful action of UV rays. Naturally, this mechanism may be insufficient in the event of frequent, prolonged and / or uncontrolled exposure to the sun. In these cases, therefore, it is essential to protect yourself adequately, taking all the precautions and measures currently available and allowing you to enjoy the sun and life in the open air avoiding the damage it can cause (erythema, skin spots, photoaging, tumors of the skin, etc
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