Category sport and health

Rotator cuff, rehabilitation
sport and health

Rotator cuff, rehabilitation

Treatment and rehabilitation INTRODUCTION: maintaining a good balance of the muscles with the passing of the years helps to make toned and efficient muscles and tendons improving the coordination of movements. On the contrary, with disuse, these important anatomical structures will become weaker, more rigid and obviously more susceptible to injury

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sport and health

Running: universal sport and complex athletic discipline

Thanks to the ease of execution and the very low costs, the race (or running) stands out among all the other sports for the very high number of practitioners. It is often recommended as an anti-obesity therapy and in the fight against metabolic diseases; obviously, the only discriminating factor that can compromise the start-up to the race consists of any joint, ligament or tendon pathologies of the lower limbs, of the hip on the femur and of the rachis (vertebral column), or of plantar pathologies
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sport and health

Summer Run: Importance of Proper Hydration

Introduction The body of an adult human is composed of 50-60% of water. The functions of the body water are different: Temperature regulation. Digestion. Transport (circulatory and lymphatic stream) etc. The state of hydration affects the functionality of cells, tissues, organs, etc. Therefore, a dehydrated body does not make the most of its potential
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sport and health

Yoga and Breath

Yoga is a practice that descends from an ancient discipline and that includes different currents of thought but all with a common purpose: the totality of man. Etymologically, the word yoga derives from the root Yui (to bind together) and generally indicates every ascetic technique and every method of meditation; its purpose is to purify the spirit and abolish the dispersion and automatisms that characterize the profane conscience: this is the fundamental presupposition for the initiatory or liberation rebirth
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sport and health

Abs when training and when not

By Dr. Davide Marciano When can we train the abs? Unfortunately not everyone can do it! The abdomen, the most loved by Italians. Anyone would do anything to reduce the waistline and see this wonderful muscle band. Mine will not be a treatment aimed at the construction of the famous turtle (you just need to open any magazine to discover billions of good and usual tips), rather I will focus on other topics that do not find much space in common fitness talk
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sport and health

Fitness for juniors: teenagers and training

By Dott.Luca Franzon A good fitness instructor must be able to address the needs of various types of clients. Among these are the pre-adolescents and adolescents. The young athletes who could attend the weight rooms of the fitness centers have special needs, as they are not yet trained on a psycho-physical level
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sport and health

Physical activity for the pediatric age

Physiological assumptions for the compilation of a motor program for the little ones. Sedentariness and obesity are a widespread problem among the children of our society, About 4% of all children in Europe are affected by obesity and 25-50% of these maintain excess weight even in adulthood, developing early pathological situations
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sport and health

Five good reasons to practice functional training

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi - Author of the book: Drugs and doping in sport - In recent years the fitness market has seen the birth of a new form of training, the so-called functional training or functional training. This way of training is based on performing exercises that mimic the movements that the body performs in the environment
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sport and health

Combat high blood pressure with a workout in the gym

By Dr. Luca Franzon The fitness sector is evolving considerably, trying to cover the most varied needs that users require. In the hope that the medical sector, too, will notice how the gym can be useful for preventing and helping to treat various diseases. Several years will have to pass, before the Fitness enters the culture of each of us, but in the meantime it is right to make people understand that the gym is not only hypermuscular boys and a place where it runs doping in rivers, but a place where anyone can find the resolution to your problem
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sport and health

Training and health

Nowadays the importance of physical activity has been recognized, both by men and women of every age, race and socio-economic condition, and by doctors. In fact, following their interviews, it is possible to notice that they always conclude by stating that in order to feel good about oneself, it is necessary to follow a good diet and do physical activity
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sport and health

Competitive activity, stress and vaccinations

By Dr. Alessio Capobianco Although it seems difficult to think that an athlete, in spite of his physical form, the correct habits of life and the numerous medical checks to which he is subjected, may be particularly exposed to infections in general and to the flu epidemic in particular, today we know that there is a precise moment in the athlete's life during which the immune system is in a position where it cannot guarantee an adequate response to pathogens
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