Category massage techniques

Connective Tissue Massage: What is it?  What benefits does it bring?  Characteristics and Contraindications of I.Randi
massage techniques

Connective Tissue Massage: What is it? What benefits does it bring? Characteristics and Contraindications of I.Randi

Generality Connective tissue massage is a type of massage characterized by the execution of manipulation techniques that can act in depth in the tissues. More precisely, as can be guessed from its very name, the connective tissue massage aims to act directly on the connective tissue , through the execution of manipulations that sometimes may not be very pleasant

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massage techniques

Californian massage by I.Randi

Introduction Californian massage is a special type of relaxing massage. Born in California around the 70s, Californian massage aims not only to achieve the well-being of the body, but above all to achieve a "re-balancing" between the physical and spiritual planes. The purpose of the Californian massage, therefore, is to allow the achievement of a state of harmony between body and mind
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massage techniques

Connective Tissue Massage: What is it? What benefits does it bring? Characteristics and Contraindications of I.Randi

Generality Connective tissue massage is a type of massage characterized by the execution of manipulation techniques that can act in depth in the tissues. More precisely, as can be guessed from its very name, the connective tissue massage aims to act directly on the connective tissue , through the execution of manipulations that sometimes may not be very pleasant
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massage techniques

Tui Na or Tuina massage: What is it? What it serves, Benefits and Contraindications of I.Randi

Generality The Tui Na massage or Tuina massage is a special type of Chinese massage . Like many other oriental massages, Tui Na also aims to treat a variety of disorders by restoring the correct flow of vital energy . According to traditional Chinese medicine, in fact, an alteration of this flow is able to favor the appearance of disorders, discomforts and diseases in the individual
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massage techniques

Shiatsu massage: What is it? What it is used for, how to practice, expected benefits and contraindications of I.Randi

Generality Shiatsu massage is a type of massage of Japanese origin . It is a form of massage belonging to the large and varied group of oriental massages . The purpose of the Shiatsu massage - similar to other types of oriental-derived massage - is to act not only on the body but also on the psyche, making the individual achieve a state of well - being in its totality (body and mind) and not only to physical level
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massage techniques

Lomi Lomi Massage: What is it? What it is used for, how to practice, expected benefits and contraindications of I.Randi

Generality The Lomi Lomi massage is a special type of massage originating in Hawaii . The purpose of the Lomi Lomi massage is not to simply achieve physical well-being, but also to achieve well - being and harmony with oneself and the surrounding environment. In a sense, therefore, despite being from a geographically opposite place, the Lomi Lomi massage is based on a philosophy similar (but not the same) to that which is the basis of various types of oriental massages
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