Category exercises

What is the Squat?  Explained in Brevissimo

What is the Squat? Explained in Brevissimo

The squat is a motor exercise aimed at muscle conditioning of the lower limbs (especially thighs and buttocks). It is cataloged in the set of multi-articular, since it actively involves multiple joints (hip, knee, ankles); it is also grouped among the so-called "fundamental" for body-building (but not only)

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Calf training: here is how to grow them

By Dr. Antonio Parolisi Evaluation of the muscle structure of the sura triceps for a growing profitable training All muscle fibers must be involved for muscle growth. This means that gastrocnemi should not be trained only with long series and medium-low loads, just as the growth of the soleus should not be stimulated only by short series and medium-high loads
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Cross-over to cables

Edited by Giovanni Bruno Cross-over to cables, in my opinion, is one of the best exercises, one of those that, if done well, with perfect execution and relatively light load, really feel on our bibs, perhaps one of the most "precise" exercises in the hit the target muscle. In fact, thanks to the tension of the cable, compared to the crosses with only the handlebars, the muscular work is much more intense
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Reverse crunch and V-UP

Edited by Dr. Francesca Fanolla The two most common abdominal exercises compared. There are small details that often, as in all the exercises for trophism, "make the difference" and that, if they do not receive due attention, they risk incurring unpleasant problems such as lumbar pain, cervical pain, etc
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The abc of body building: the fundamentals

Edited by: Fabrizio Butti A first distinction that is usually used during a training session is the one commonly used between basic or fundamental exercises and complementary or isolation exercises. Of fundamental importance for the construction of a quality physique are the so-called fundamental exercises: squat, detachment, bench presses, distension over the head, pull-ups, rowing, dip
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What's the best thing for you?

Edited by Emanuele Giuliani They often ask me what is the best alternative for a particular person. "Should I do bench presses or push-ups at the parallel bars?" "Should I pull up the bar with a narrow supine grip or those with a wide prone grip?" "Should I perform the detachment from the floor with legs straight, the normal one or the Romanian one
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Pectoral exercises

INTRODUCTION: Anatomy of the small and large pectoralis The particular anatomical shape of the pectorals gives these muscles the ability to perform numerous movements. The pectorals are involved above all in the horizontal adduction of the arm (movement in which the humerus is approached to the center of the body) and in its internal rotation
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Perfect buttocks

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube By Dr. Simone Losi In this article I will try to explain the most useful exercises for toning the buttocks, the most suitable type of training, and to debunk some "myths" still present in many Italian gyms. The gluteal musculature is perhaps the area most trained by women in the gym, many series and repetitions that in some cases even reach 50, using a myriad of exercises that, in the vast majority of cases, are of little use for development, therefore for the tonification of this district
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The best exercise

By Dr. Antonio Parolisi First part The best exercise does not exist !!! There is the best exercise for each individual subject. To each his ... Many times we have heard or read expressions such as "the squat is the king of all exercises " or " the flat bench is the best exercise for the chest" , or other similar phrases
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Imposing back = cleverly chosen exercises!

Edited by: Francesco CurrĂ² Have you ever wondered why many body-builders have huge bibs and a back that is practically non-existent or, at least, not at the same level? Training for the Dorsali (or for the back in general) is not very simple to be implemented and the reasons are essentially the following: relative little importance given by the athlete to back training, in other words: I only train what I see or like!
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