Category lose weight

The less you eat the more fat
lose weight

The less you eat the more fat

By Dr. Fabio Schirru Of course the title of my article is provocative ... I decided to write this article because I feel more and more often, people who turn to me for food advice, for a real diet or even just chatting with friends, they make me now mythical question ... "But why can't I lose weight

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lose weight

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Introduction Using acupuncture to lose weight Some acupuncturists believe that acupuncture is a very effective method of losing weight. On the other hand, most of the scientific community - especially the branch of dietetics, nutrition and human nutrition - considers this technique totally ineffective
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lose weight

Foods that Lose Weight

Food and weight loss Weight loss is a process of reduction of the adipose mass that causes, consequently, a decrease in body weight. The necessary conditions for weight loss are three: Energy consumption higher than food calorie intake Dietary balance, understood as the correct distribution of nutrients and meals, and suitability of the portions (to which the load and the glycemic index, the percentage of fat, etc
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lose weight

Caffeine for Weight Loss

What is Caffeine Caffeine is the nerve most used on planet Earth; it is an alkaloid (such as atropine, nicotine, strychnine, morphine, etc.) of the purine type (such as tea theophylline and theobromine from cocoa) contained in coffee seeds and in some foods (guarana, energy drinks, coca cola, cocoa etc)
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lose weight

Weight Loss Patches

Introduction What are slimming patches? Slimming patches should be a "theoretically" rapid method to promote weight loss. It is now well established that a healthy diet, combined with a good training program, is the only truly effective solution to lose excess pounds. Nevertheless, many of us aim to optimize the slimming process to minimize this time of great effort (diet and physical activity) or to achieve better results
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lose weight

Centrifuges for Weight Loss

Centrifuged: what are they? Centrifuges are food beverages with specific nutritional properties. They are obtained by separating the liquid fraction from the fibrous leaf and stem fruit and vegetable root. Note : there are plants that do NOT lend themselves to producing centrifuged; in particular it is better to avoid aubergines, rich in solanine; potatoes and fresh legumes are also not very pleasant (poor in water, rich in waste, containing indigestible molecules and a questionable taste)
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lose weight

Breakfast to Lose Weight

Introduction Breakfast: importance for losing weight Breakfast function Contrary to what many people think, breakfast is a main meal for all purposes. Of course, it is quantitatively inferior to the other two, lunch and dinner, but it has a very precise and very important role. Especially in diets to lose weight, a "wrong" breakfast can frustrate much of the work
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lose weight

Hypercaloric Diet - Applications

The high- calorie diet is a diet that aims to increase the intake of all nutrients with food (energy, plastics, mineral salts, vitamins, etc.), in order to promote a possible weight gain useful for recovery of the desirable physiological weight, in a subject characterized by underweight, and therefore potentially MAL-nourished
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Intermittent fasting to increase muscle mass and lose weight

WARNING! The following article is purely for information purposes and the author will abstain (almost totally) from any comments, both positive and negative, on the intermittent fasting system aimed at weight loss and increasing muscle mass. For some time now there has been a total reversal of the currents of thought as regards the principles of weight loss and the bases of muscular anabolism
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lose weight

Lose weight quickly (and good!) - Advice and contraindications

Losing weight quickly is NEVER EVER a health necessity. Rather, it represents the widespread aesthetic need to remedy an equally rapid increase in body weight. For this reason, the desire to lose weight quickly, implementing a drastic "dietary and behavioral counter-offensive", typically lights up in the post-Christmas, post-weekday, post-injury periods, etc
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Lose weight with pasta

Generality Pasta is a typical Italian product; it is a food whose production is strictly regulated and differentiated for the various commercialized qualities. The most consumed pasta is the dry one, while the fresh one barely reaches 1/4 of the national production; industrial dry pasta MUST contain ONLY durum wheat or semolina, otherwise the food is included in special pasta
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