Category body building

body building

Pyramidal - How to train with the pyramidal method

Definition and types of training Pyramid training was born as a strength development technique used in the discipline of weight lifting ; can be considered a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), or a training method that alternates high efforts (with overloads) to complete or partial recoveries. Based on the structure of the specific table, pyramidal training may be more or less effective on the development of strength and hypertrophy depending on whether the component of lactate muscular acidosis prevails or not
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body building

The basics of muscle definition or cutting in the Natural Body Building

Bodybuilding or Body Building (from English: physical culture) is a motor activity that exploits: training with overloads (traditionally free-body exercises and / or with dumbbells, barbells and isokinetic machines) and a particular diet (not always in line with the requirements for a correct and healthy diet) in order to achieve an "ideal" (subjective) aesthetic result, characterized on average by: low percentage of fat mass (Low% Body Fat Mass) high percentage of lean mass (High% Body Fat Free Mass)
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body building

Bodybuilding training guidelines

Interview with Mirco Caselli, IFBB bodybuilder Mirco Caselli is 38 years old, lives in Bologna, practices bodybuilding at a competitive level and currently works as a Personal Trainer in a gym in Vignola, in the province of Modena. Interview carried out on May 29th 2012 Hello Riccardo. We have known each other for some years
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body building

Aerobic Training: this false BodyBuilding demon

By Dr. Giovanni Peri Aerobic training often takes on quite erroneous connotations, it has always been related to the fundamental activity for weight loss and to the activity to be avoided for the purpose of increasing muscle mass. Both of these correlations unfortunately die hard myths. With this article we will focus on the positive correlation between aerobic and anaerobic activity
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body building

Training for "intermediate" according to Tom Platz

Edited by: Francesco Currò After about three months of progressively heavier training, Tom Platz - in his book " Professional BodyBuilding " - recommends using a split workout in the "upper part" and "lower part" for a total of four weekly training sessions. This training routine , which is the one I will report in a few lines, is recommended by the champion for anyone (in good health), who has one to four years of constant training behind him.
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body building

We train the muscles of the outer thigh

By Dr. Dario Mirra Introduction In gyms it is very common to see the external muscles of the thighs "multi" or abductor machine "train", because the "instructors" are convinced that if the adductor muscles are located on the inside of the thigh, then the abductors must necessarily be on the thigh
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body building

Maximize anabolism in a natural way

By Dr. Filippo Casini Dear readers, with this article I would like to try to help all those people who have been training for several years, let's say at least 3 or 4, and, for one reason or another, are not completely satisfied with the results obtained or maybe, simply, they no longer get them as easily as when they were at the beginning of their weight training
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body building

Training and Bodybuilding: basic principles

By Dr. Dario Mirra Training a muscle group with Bodybuilding methods does not simply mean lifting dumbbells and barbells, placing yourself under a Lat Machine and trying to pull up all the plates available (... maybe while the most beautiful of the gym is watching us), and with all that load do two repetitions, so as to make us raise the arterial pressure to the levels of a tractor tire, finding ourselves having the face so red that it seems to be the most lightened of the equipment room; rather, it means undergoing a Work-Out that leads to exhaustion of the muscle, which impoverishes the energ
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body building

Even the BIA says yes to BIIO

By Dr. Davide Marciano With this article it is my intention to provide an additional scientific / practical evaluation tool to test the quality of the training, and then to dwell, in particular, on the numerous results (increase in muscle mass and definition) obtained by applying an excellent training method, tried and tested for years
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