Category obesity

Heart attack and age

Heart attack and age

Many people believe that their young age is a guarantee of absolute protection against the infarct. In reality they do not know that food habits and lifestyle strongly influence, from childhood , the risk of suffering a myocardial infarction. A biopsy study of 300 American soldiers who fell in the Korean War (1950-1953) showed that 77

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Diet for Obesity

What is it and what is it for The diet for obesity is a diet aimed at reducing excess body fat, as a cause (direct and indirect) of the onset of serious diseases, and the reduction of quality and life expectancy itself. A subject is defined as obese when his BMI (body mass index) reaches or exceeds 30 points; for example, considering an individual 175 cm tall, the obesity threshold is around 92 kg
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Example diet to combat obesity

Premise The following indications are for information purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professional figures such as doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of CUSTOMIZED food therapies. Obesity Obesity is a real endemic disease; in recent years it has affected up to 1/3 of the general population, mainly in the geographical areas characterized by: economic well-being, increased technology and the spread of junk-food
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Exercise and obesity

By Dr. Stefano Casali »General structure of the training program Exercise type: Duration / intensity of the exercise. Frequency of training sessions. Progressive increase in workloads. Regularity. »Evaluation of exercise intensity Heart rate expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate. MET units (multiples of metabolic consumption in basal conditions).
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Edited by Sasha Sofo Obesity, that is the exaggerated increase of the panniculus adiposus, is a serious social problem, typical of industrialized countries and whose nature can be GENETIC or ACQUIRED. Fat cells, called adipocytes, can increase in volume and in number. In the case of genetic obesity, fat cells at birth have increased in number compared to the average
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Obesity is considered an endemic pathology, as it is widespread in a geographically limited population. Specifically, obesity is a typical, though not exclusive, prerogative of Western countries, where about 1/3 of the inhabitants are overweight. According to ISTAT data, in 1999 the Italians were overweight 33
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Obesity and evolutionary biology: the Lardopitecus

By Dr. Giancarlo Monteforte Evolutionary Biology: will Lardopithecus be the man of the future? There appears to be an evolutionary transaction taking place: Homo Sapiens → Lardopithecus Jokes aside, OBESITY is a fairly serious clinical condition. It is described by the WHO as a GLOBAL EPIDEMIA Increases the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, metabolic, hepatic and some forms of cancer An obese child is twice as likely to remain so in adulthood than a normal-weight child Adults who were obese in childhood are more at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia and respir
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Obesity and Personal Trainer

By Dr. Ferdinando Spatalino Obesity is an important metabolic disorder and it is estimated that 1 in 5 is obese. It has also been established that 97% of the obese have no problem whatsoever, if not related to eating disorders and a sedentary lifestyle; therefore a correct diet and a constant physical activity are the most effective remedies
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Drugs to cure Obesity

Definition Obesity is not only an aesthetic disorder, but rather must be considered a disease in all respects, which can also cause serious problems for the patient who is affected. Obesity is the abnormal increase in fat in relation to lean mass: in practical terms, a person is obese when his body mass index exceeds the value of 30
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The term lipotoxicity (from English lipotoxicity) was coined to indicate the deleterious effects caused by the body's prolonged exposure to high levels of fatty acids in the blood, a condition typical of obese subjects. In vitro studies have shown that human pancreatic islets exposed to high concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA) undergo a significant acceleration of apoptosis ( cell death )
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Popular Diets, Obesity and Health

Nowadays, diets that are so-called "innovative" (or rather that depart from the scientifically founded nutritional balance principles) have become almost a "fashion"; in fact, while it seems a paradox, the diets that "tend" are precisely those "against the trend"
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