Category diet

Pre-Sleeping Snacks

Pre-Sleeping Snacks

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Generality The snack pre-sleep is a secondary meal that, depending on the case, can have different nutritional values; for example, it can alleviate the sense of appetite after a few hours after the last meal (dinner), guarantee muscle recovery following a workout (super compensation) or even lighten the main meals in order to ensure better digestion and greater absorption

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Dietary breakfast

Dietary Breakfast: What Does It Mean? For dietetic breakfast we mean a breakfast designed and formulated based on the principles of dietreatment; depending on the case, therefore, a dietetic breakfast can be used to treat metabolic pathologies or to reduce any serious overweight (also considered pathological, since it is very often accompanied by various metabolic alterations)
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Diet and Anemia

What is Anemia Anemia is a disease that often has nutritional origins, therefore, some changes in the diet could significantly improve the pathological and symptomatic picture of the patients who are affected. Hemoglobin values Anemia is a generic alteration of the hemoglobin (Hb) blood values ​​which affects the subject's general health status; the cutoffs (or threshold values) for Hb indicating anemia are: <14 mg / dl in humans <12 mg / dl in women <11 mg / dl in pregnant women The reduction in Hb is directly related to the decrease in hematocrit (Hc), which is responsible for th
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Low fiber diet - Low residue diet

Dietary fiber The fiber or dietary fiber is a vegetable component characterized by chemical bonds of the β type and is NOT digestible for the human being; however, although fiber is not considered a real nutrient, it is undoubtedly a very important food component for the proper functioning of the organism, in particular the intestine.
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Raw Food Diet

Generality The raw food diet is a naturist diet that is distinguished by a single great commandment: DO NOT cook food . The first fundamentals of the raw food diet can be traced back to the "Gospel of Peace", a sacred text belonging to the Jewish lineage of the Essenes, while in the last century its spread is mainly due to "independent or naturist" doctors like HM Shelton
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Diet and Depression: Prevent it at the Table

What is the Depression Diet and our attitude towards food influence and are influenced by mood. Depression is a disorder in which the mood loses its physiological flexibility, is reduced and is no longer influenced by positive situations. The typical symptoms of depression related to diet are: changes in appetite and weight loss (-5% per month) or, less frequently, a marked increase in appetite with a consequent increase in body weight
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Epilepsy diet

In the clinic, the ketogenic diet is mainly used in areas of: Reduction of epileptic symptoms Treatment of obesity Regarding epilepsy, it seems that some studies have highlighted the therapeutic potential of ketone bodies in controlling epileptic symptoms in children who do not respond correctly to drug treatment (age less than 10 years of life)
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Low-salt diet

Overview of the hyposodic diet "Low -salt diet" means low-sodium diet. Sodium is a particularly abundant mineral in the western nutritional style; for this reason, unlike other minerals (such as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium etc.), in the vast majority of cases it creates complications due to its EXCESSIVE dietary intake (while a food shortage is rather rare)
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Macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet is a real lifestyle; it embraces oriental culture and philosophy, contrasts consumerism and conflicts with the frenetic rhythms of today. To adapt to the macrobiotic diet it is essential to change the dietary approach as a whole; nutrition acquires a fundamental importance in the balance between body and mind; not for nothing, the term macrobiotic originates from the Greek (makros + bios) and means g rande / long life
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Menopause Diet

Generality The menopausal diet must be programmed taking into account all the physiological and paraphysiological changes that occur in the female organism. The hormonal alterations that characterize menopause significantly change nutritional needs and risks to women's health; dietary planning in this period of life has the objective of completely complying with all the necessary needs, and of guaranteeing women a good state of general shape
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Meteorism: Diet therapy of R.Borgacci

Generality What is meteorism Meteorism is a gastro-intestinal symptom characterized by the symptomatic accumulation - but not always objectively detectable - of gas inside the digestive tract; it is often associated with behavioral, dietary or intestinal functioning abnormalities, often not pathological or benign in nature - for example irritable bowel syndrome
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