Category cycling

Traumatology in cycling

Traumatology in cycling

first part In a stage race, getting involved in a fall has heavier consequences than running online. Even slight bruises are in fact quite annoying and could make it very difficult to find the sleeping position at night. Pain and incomplete recovery make the task that the cyclist has to face in the following days tougher

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Summer Cycling: How Much and What Do You Drink?

Introduction The body of a human being contains more than 50% water (up to 75% in the body of the baby child). Fluids are found inside the cells and outside them (extracellular spaces), where they perform numerous biologically important functions; among these, the functions of: Transport (blood and lymph)
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Training for cycling

MEANS OF TRAINING Introduction: Resistance: ability to maintain an aerobic or anaerobic performance for as long as possible; it depends on the use of oxygen and the body's ability to produce energy. Strength : ability to achieve muscle performance through nerve activation, fiber recruitment and muscle energetics
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Cycling training

CYCLING: PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING METHODOLOGY The basics of supercompensation in the cyclist The training load (or solicitation) of a cyclist tends to exploit his functional reserve so as to increase his current level of ability; this capacity decreases after loading and grows after supercompensation. Over time, effective training increases the performance ability of the cyclist and reduces the various adaptation reserves
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Cycling: Nutrition and Integration

Integration and Rest In addition to the characteristics related to the mechanical means, the training methodology and all the accessories used by the cyclist, it is also necessary to take into consideration a correct nutrition and a correct physical rest. One of the most important factors linked to the lack of results in a cyclist is incorrect nutrition, or incorrect food supplementation
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Proper body position on the bike

COMPETITION FORM In order to best express one's qualities, it is essential to find the best biomechanical structure on the bike. A correct position, in addition to guaranteeing maximum athletic expression, also allows you to avoid muscle and joint damage. After detecting the anthropometric measurements, the bike position is tested by evaluating the pedaling with the SRM cycle ergometer
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Winter cyclist preparation

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi - Author of the book: Drugs and doping in sport - At the beginning of autumn the cyclist's season is winding down. The last few days allow you to still enjoy some good time. But this does not mean that it is time to rest on our laurels, indeed, now it is important to consider how to prepare for the new year
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The racing bike frame

ESSENTIAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MECHANICAL VEHICLE AND OF THE ACCESSORIES The components of a racing bicycle are: the stem, the handlebar curve, the gear lever, the brake lever, the shift cable, the head tube, the front brake, the tire, the rim, the spokes, the hub, the fork, the down tube, the pedal, the toe-grip, the crank, the crankset, the derailleur, the chain, the rear gearshift, the free wheel, the rear vertical sheath, the rear horizontal sheath, the rear brake, the saddle, the seat tube, the horizontal tube, the brake cable and the quick release lever
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Cycling: winter preparation

Cycling is a sport in which muscular strength and endurance play a very important role. Together with the efficiency of the cardiovascular system these two abilities strongly condition athletic performance. The winter preparation period cannot therefore disregard even the muscular components linked to the technical gesture of pedaling
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Cycling training period competitive

AGONISTIC PERIOD At the beginning of the competitive period it is advisable to participate in tenders that have different technical characteristics. In this way, all the elements that are a prerequisite for a good performance are developed globally. The maintenance phase of the condition achieved so far consists in slightly reducing the intensity of the training, to increase the duration
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History of cycling

HISTORY OF CYCLING AND ITS EVOLUTION The first great theory of cycling goes back to Leonardo da Vinci, in 1490, who left very significant sketches on the subject. These projects included wheels of the same diameter with a pedal and belt transmission system that faithfully followed our chain concept. The only fundamental thing that was missing was the steering
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