Category respiratory health

respiratory health


See also: Expectorants Mucus and Catarrh The phlegm, or more correctly sputum , is the pathological secretion of the glands present in the respiratory mucosa. Under normal conditions, this viscous liquid - called mucus - is produced in quantities ranging from 20 to 100 ml / day, necessary to humidify the respiratory tract and capture dust and microorganisms
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respiratory health

Asthma and Osteopathy

Asthma: what is it? Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, characterized by hyperactivity of bronchial structures; it is widespread in the population and is still increasing, especially in industrialized countries. The cause of this increase is still not entirely clear. Factors such as increased allergic forms, pollution, change in living conditions and diet modification have been called into question
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respiratory health

Allergic asthma

Generality Allergic asthma is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, caused by excessive reactivity to various allergenic stimuli (eg pollens, molds, dust mites or pet dander) present in the external environment. This pathology typically occurs with cough and bronchospasm crisis (ie a sudden narrowing of the airways), responsible for repeated episodes of dyspnea (respiratory distress) of varying severity
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respiratory health

Asthma Crisis (Asthma Attacks)

Definition and Causes The asthmatic crisis can be defined as a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms, which arise quite intensely causing major breathing difficulties. The asthmatic crises are related to the contraction of the muscles that form the wall of the bronchi and to the consequent reduction of the space where the air circulates (bronchoconstriction); moreover, the inside of the bronchi inflates and becomes inflamed, producing a thick mucus that constitutes a further obstacle to the free circulation of air
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respiratory health

Bronchial asthma

Curated by Luigi Ferritto (1), Walter Ferritto (2), Giuseppe Fiorentino (3) Generality Bronchial asthma is one of the most frequent diseases and is characterized by a reversible bronchial obstruction. The symptomatology includes: cough wheezing shortness of breath sense of constriction in the chest. These symptoms are variable daily, but prevail at night and early morning
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respiratory health

Anti-asthmatic drugs

asthma Parallel to the increasing rate of environmental pollution, the asmatiform forms are constantly increasing. Asthmatic people become hypersensitive to stimuli of different nature (chemical, physical, thermal, allergenic), which are the triggering cause of the asthmatic crisis. Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract in which the bronchi are restricted due to the presence of edema and, occasionally, due to spasmogenic substances released by local cells or cells that infiltrate at a bronchial level through the circulatory stream
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respiratory health

Buteyko method applied to asthmatic children

By Dr. Pasquale Fusco Asthma is becoming an increasingly common disease. In the last 10 years the number of asthmatics in the world has doubled, and unfortunately children are not exempt from this problem, even in countries where medical research is highly developed. The dott. Buteyko, a Russian doctor, identified the cause of asthma in chronic hyperventilation, that is, in systematically breathing more than necessary, and we know from our experience of every day that a fright or stress make us increase our breathing, increasing even more the hyperventilation
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respiratory health


Generality Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, characterized by the generally reversible obstruction of the bronchi. The obstruction of the bronchial tree is caused by inflammation of the lower airways and its consequences: due to the inflammatory process, the bronchi contract, fill with liquid and produce an excess of mucus, reducing overall the space available for the free circulation of air
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respiratory health

Leukotrienes and Antileucotrienes

Leukotrienes: What are they? Leukotrienes are substances involved in asthmatic, allergic and inflammatory reactions. They are secreted by some types of white blood cells, hence the name " leuko " (white blood cells) + " trienes " (three conjugated double bonds between carbon atoms)
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