Category sports supplements

sports supplements


Generality Acetyl-L-Carnitine - also known as Acetylcarnitine or ALC - is a molecule obtained through the esterification of L-Carnitine with an acetyl group. Acetyl-L-Carnitine - Chemical Structure Very appreciated for its antioxidant activity and for its good tolerability, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, in the form of supplement, is currently used as an antioxidant in cardiology, neurology and antiaging

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sports supplements

Integration of branched amino acids: when to take them?

Obviously, what mentioned in the previous paragraph in no way means that the BCAAs represent a "marginal" group of nutrients, but only: a catabolism that is easily buffered by a correct distribution of meals, and their wide diffusion in food (eg 6 g contained in 100g of meat or 1.5 g in 100g of bread), prevent the need to integrate them
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sports supplements

Mass Gainer

What are they? Gainers are food supplements aimed at improving performance in sports or bodybuilding. Generally, gainers are composed of carbohydrates (high and low glycemic index), proteins (caseins and whey), vitamins, minerals, creatine, L-arginine, long chain amino acids, enzymes (to aid digestion) and plant extracts (due to the adaptogen effect)
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sports supplements

Daily protein breakdown: when to take them?

At this point, it is essential to understand what the subject's objective is in analysis. If we speak of a sedentary, the differentiation of proteins in the various meals takes on an almost marginal role. Proteins are ubiquitous macronutrients and their contribution is associated with the vast majority of foods; obviously there are substantial differences in the content of essential amino acids, but by virtue of the fact that a sedentary is characterized by an almost constant metabolism, there are no conditions that require the selection, differentiation or dissociation of meals
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sports supplements

Lactic Acid Remedies - Supplements, Diet

Definition and outline From the chemical point of view, lactic acid (C 3 H 6 O 3 ) is defined as a carboxylic acid whose deprotonation gives rise to the lactate ion. In human physiology, lactic acid is the waste of energy production in the absence of oxygen, or anaerobic glycolysis. Glycolysis, while representing a fundamental step in aerobic cellular respiration, can continue its activity by further reducing the pyruvic acid in lactic acid thanks to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), a coenzyme of lacticodehydrogenase (LDH)
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sports supplements

Baking soda

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Six middle-distance runners were evaluated under basal conditions and after they had taken 300 mg of bicarbonate per kg of body weight from 2 hours to 30 minutes before a race of 800 meters. The result of this integration was an increase in the pH and concentration of blood bicarbonate, with an improvement in performance of about 2
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sports supplements

Creatine: Integration and Strength of the Legs

Dietary supplementation with creatine has, for many years, been one of the most widely used forms of supplement for athletes. In particular, the integration with creatine (in all its various forms) is favored by athletes who perform short-term activities. Being a reserve molecule forfeited in the fibrous muscle cells, which serves to quickly recharge the ATP (Adenosin Tri Phosphate) during muscle contraction, creatine should be useful for: increased short-term recovery of very intense muscle contractions, resulting in an increase of the potential of stimulating training force (maximal, fast, re
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sports supplements

Creatine Kinase, Statins and Exercise

Creatine kinase is an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of creatine phosphate. This last element is a vehicle for ATP recharge, which is the definitive molecule used by cells to produce energy. Creatine kinase is present in large quantities in the muscles, in which its presence correlates to the amount of physical activity (especially motor) usually performed by the subject
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sports supplements


Generality Acetyl-L-Carnitine - also known as Acetylcarnitine or ALC - is a molecule obtained through the esterification of L-Carnitine with an acetyl group. Acetyl-L-Carnitine - Chemical Structure Very appreciated for its antioxidant activity and for its good tolerability, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, in the form of supplement, is currently used as an antioxidant in cardiology, neurology and antiaging
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sports supplements

Arginine Piroglutamate

What's this Arginine Piroglutamate is the Piroglutamate salt of the amino acid Arginine. This salification would improve the central tropism of Arginine and Piroglutamate itself, making it useful in safeguarding some important brain functions. Indications Why is Arginine Piroglutamate used? What is it for
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sports supplements

Iron and Endurance

Edited by Ivan Mercolini Best wishes. In today's lesson I will talk about the iron element and its importance in competitive endurance sports (cycling, marathon etc.) and - why not? - in physical cardio fitness amateur activities (aerobic aerobic circuits, power aerobic circuits, cardio fit trainings, step, aerobic dance, tone-up, etc
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