Category skin health

Symptoms Squamous cell carcinoma
skin health

Symptoms Squamous cell carcinoma

Related articles: Squamo-cell carcinoma Definition Squamo-cell carcinoma is a skin cancer that originates from the cells of the spinous layer of the epidermis. Locally, it can be very aggressive and in later stages it can metastasize. Squamo-cell carcinoma is the second in order of frequency among skin cancers

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skin health

Anatomy of the skin

The skin is formed by an epithelium (epithelial cells) called epidermis, from a connective tissue (elastic cells and collagen) called dermis and from a fatty tissue that takes the name of subcutaneous . In the dermis and in the subcutaneous are contained the cutaneous appendages (nails, hairs and hair), the vessels and the nerves
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skin health

Malassezia Furfur

Generality Malassezia furfur is a yeast normally present on the skin surface of most of the healthy population. However, on some occasions, this microorganism behaves as an opportunistic pathogen, therefore it can give rise to localized and / or systemic infections. The presence of Malassezia furfur is considered important in the etiology of various skin diseases and associated structures , such as seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor
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skin health


Definition and classification Albinism represents a group of genetic anomalies inherent in the synthesis of melanin; the term " albinism " comes from the Latin " albus ", which means "white". Among all the diseases related to the alteration of skin color, albinism is configured as one of the most serious generalized hypopigmentations: melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and eyes, in this case is absent
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skin health

Angioma: definition and classification

Angioma: definition "Angioma" is a misnomer used to refer to most dermatological vascular dysfunctions, which include both malformations and vascular tumors. For angioma, commonly, it means a benign tumor that manifests itself in small blood vessels. These tumors can be located anywhere in the body, but they are almost never considered dangerous; sometimes, however, angioma hides much more serious disorders, such as liver cirrhosis
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skin health

Angiomas: causes and treatments

Angiomas: definition Angiomas are benign pathological forms affecting arterial, lymphatic or biliary vessels: commonly, angiomas are called "birthmarks". They come in the form of red-purple spots, with a marked tendency to extend over time; however, there is no lack of cases in which the angioma regresses spontaneously, without leaving obvious traces on the skin
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skin health

Angioma Rubino - Senile or Campbell de Morgan hemangioma

Generality A ruby angioma is a benign tumor, cutaneously located, which originates from an endothelial cell of a blood vessel; at sight, it looks like a patch or a red-purple colored papule with small dimensions (it generally varies between 3 and 5 millimeters; rarely it reaches centimeters). Currently, it is not clear what causes the formation of ruby ​​angiomas; in reality, the hypotheses on this matter are varied, but none of these has found an effective confirmation in scientific research. Ru
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skin health

Giant pimples of I.Randi

Introduction When we talk about giant pimples we refer to large pimples that cause discomfort and often embarrassment. In truth, there is no precise dimension beyond which it is possible to define a giant pimple, therefore, the definition of "giant pimples" is subjective and can vary from individual to individual
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skin health

Pimples on the Chin of I.Randi

Introduction Pimples on the chin represent an annoying skin disorder, usually (but not necessarily) related to acne and / or hormonal factors. In fact, the pimples on the chin occur with greater incidence during adolescence; despite this, they can also occur in adulthood, particularly when hormonal imbalances or other predisposing factors are present
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skin health

Pimples on the back of I.Randi

Generality Pimples on the back are an annoying and unsightly skin disorder. In most cases, they are a consequence of acne, but can also occur in patients who do not suffer from this condition. However, the problem of pimples on the back mainly affects adolescents and young adults, while it is rare in middle-aged or elderly people
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skin health

Pimples on the Seat of I.Randi

Generality The appearance of pimples on the behind can create numerous discomforts, both from an aesthetic point of view and from a physical point of view. Pimples on the butt can be considered as a skin disorder that - in addition to affecting aesthetics - can cause considerable discomfort due to the delicate area in which it occurs
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