skin health

Pimples on the Seat of I.Randi


The appearance of pimples on the behind can create numerous discomforts, both from an aesthetic point of view and from a physical point of view.

Pimples on the butt can be considered as a skin disorder that - in addition to affecting aesthetics - can cause considerable discomfort due to the delicate area in which it occurs.

The causes behind the appearance of pimples on the butt may be different, while the symptoms and induced symptoms are generally similar.

To eliminate pimples on the butt it is possible to resort to natural remedies or pharmacological treatments prescribed by the doctor, however, prevention and adequate care of the skin seem to be the best strategies to avoid the problem, or at least to favor its resolution if you were already manifested.

What are

What are Pimples on the Seat?

As mentioned, pimples on the butt can be a disorder that can cause severe discomfort to the patient who suffers from it.

However, when it comes to pimples or pimples on the bottom, in common parlance, we are not referring to a single problem, but to different types of skin lesions that can occur in this particular area of ​​the body and whose causes may be different.

Although this widening of the meaning of "pimples on the bottom" is sometimes used improperly, when we speak of them in the common language, we can refer to: acne manifestations that also involve the buttocks; closed comedones (or white spots) that appear in isolated and sporadic form; boils (they can occur in a suprised way, or they can give rise to real boils).


What are the Causes and Risk Factors of Pimples on the Seat?

The causes of pimples on the butt may vary depending on the type of skin lesion that you want to indicate when using this type of wording:

  • When we talk about pimples on the bottom intended as a manifestation of acne, the cause is to be found in inflammation - often associated with bacterial infections generally supported by Propionibacterium acnes - of the pilosebaceous glands ;
  • When referring to closed comedones, instead, the cause is generally attributable to a hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands ;
  • When we want to indicate pimples and furunculosis, on the other hand, the triggering factor is to be found in a bacterial infection (generally supported by Staphylococcus aureus strains) located at the level of the hair follicles and the peri-follicular tissues to which an inevitable inflammation follows .

Among the factors that can cause or predispose to hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, inflammation and infection of the same and adjacent tissues, we find genetic predisposition, hormonal factors and the lowering of the immune defenses. Other possible factors that can increase the risk of pimples on the butt consist of:

  • Poor personal hygiene;
  • Use of detergents that are too aggressive or excessively degreasing;
  • Use of underwear or over-tight clothing;
  • Use of underwear or clothing in non-breathable synthetic fabrics;
  • Carrying out of activities (work or not) that involve the maintenance of a sitting position for many hours a day;
  • Incorrect nutrition, rich in fatty and sugary foods;
  • Strong stress conditions.

Moreover, since the buttocks are covered by underwear and clothing for most of the day and for most of the year, in this area it is possible to create a warm and humid environment that can favor or exacerbate the formation of pimples on the bottom and the possible proliferation of bacteria.

Did you know that ...

Sometimes, those that are defined as pimples on the butt, can be the cutaneous manifestation of an eventual allergy or the result of an irritation due to the contact with allergenic substances or irritants for the skin . An example of such substances is represented by some compounds present in the softeners used to make the laundry, or from the synthetic fibers with which some types of underwear and some types of clothes are made (for example, technical clothing for sports).

Manifestations and Symptoms

What are the manifestations of Pimples on the Seat?

The manifestations of pimples on the butt may be different. In fact, they can appear as solid, hard (nodule) and reddened skin lesions (as happens, for example, in the case of furuncles), or as skin lesions with a softer and pus infarct consistency (as in the case of white spots and acne).

The dimensions of these injuries can vary, from a few millimeters to giant pimples. Furthermore, they can occur either singly or in large numbers (as in the case of acne or furunculosis).

Characteristic of all pimples on the bottom is given by the inflammatory component which can be more or less intense, depending on the case, and which tends to be associated with infections usually of bacterial nature.

What symptoms cause pimples on the seat?

Characteristic symptoms of pimples on the buttock are swelling and redness, due to the ever-present inflammatory state. Often and willingly, it is also associated with itching and / or pain that can occur both before and after the appearance of pimples. In some cases, the patient may feel a sensation of itching in the initial phase which then evolves into pain as the size of the lesion increases and as the inflammation and any infection proceed. Furthermore, in case of breakage, pimples on the bottom can cause bleeding .

The aforementioned symptomatology can be exacerbated by rubbing with underwear or with clothing that is worn, as it can be accentuated by sitting or lying supine.

Complications of Pimples on the Seat

In the most serious cases of pimples on the buttocks and in the event that the problem is not adequately addressed, it is possible that these may complicate into more severe skin lesions, giving rise to cysts and / or abscesses . Clearly, in such a condition, consulting a doctor becomes indispensable.

Furthermore, the possible appearance, once the lesions have been healed, of more or less marked and evident scars should not be forgotten.

Care and Treatment

Treatment and Treatment of Pimples on the Seat

The treatments and treatments that can be undertaken to counteract the pimples on the bottom must be chosen based on the causes triggering the disorder and depending on the severity of the latter.

However, it is not always necessary to intervene with specific treatments, since in many cases the spots on the butt tend to resolve spontaneously in a short time. Should this not occur and if the pimples create intense discomfort and discomfort for the patient, the request of the doctor's advice, or even better, of the dermatologist is absolutely necessary.

Cosmetic Treatments

In the presence of pimples on the seat it is necessary to maintain an accurate personal hygiene and an adequate cleaning of the skin . Therefore, it is very important to regularly wash (but not excessively frequently) the area affected by the disturbance with water and mild detergents . Alongside this routine of daily cleaning, to accelerate and promote cell renewal and renewal, it may be useful to resort to the use of exfoliating cosmetics (scrubs or chemical exfoliants) at least once a week. However, it is important to point out that the use of cosmetic products of this type can only occur in the case of pimples on the buttocks that are not serious and that do not present complications.

Pharmacological Treatments

The use of pharmacological treatments should be done only after consulting a doctor, even if some pimples drugs can be purchased without a prescription for the prescription. However, for milder cases it is possible to use medicines formulated with active ingredients with comedolytic and antibacterial action, such as, for example, benzoyl peroxide (Benzac®). In more serious cases, on the other hand, the doctor may decide to intervene by prescribing to the patient antibiotic drugs and / or corticosteroid drugs, generally for topical use (creams or gels).

Engraving or Removal

In the event that the pimples on the bottom acquire considerable dimensions, causing pain and discomfort to the patient, the doctor may consider proceeding with the incision of the same. In the same way, when the pimples on the bottom become complicated, giving rise to real cysts, the dermatologist can decide to proceed with their removal by a small surgical procedure, normally performed in an outpatient procedure.

Clearly, both the incision of the pimples on the behind and the removal of any cysts are operations that must be performed only and exclusively by specialized healthcare personnel, with sterile and appropriate instruments.

Do-it-yourself engraving of pimples on the buttock is extremely discouraged due to the risk of causing serious injuries, facilitating the spread of infections and favoring the formation of scars.

Treatments against scars

To remove any scars left by pimples on the butt or scars left by the removal of any cysts, it is possible to resort to aesthetic medicine treatments which, of course, must be performed by healthcare professionals specialized in this area. These include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, radiofrequency and laser therapy . The choice to resort to one treatment rather than another depends on the extent and depth of the scar, just as it may depend on the results to be obtained. In any case, such a decision must be made with the doctor.

Useful Tips

Useful Tips to Prevent or Facilitate the Resolution of Pimples on the Seat

Patients who are particularly prone to pimples on their backs can adopt some behavioral measures to prevent their formation, or in any case to try to accelerate their resolution. More in detail, it can be useful to achieve these goals:

  • Avoid crushing, breaking or cutting pimples on your butt . In fact, this practice - in addition to increasing the risk of scarring - can favor the spread of infection to the surrounding pores. Clearly, given the area in which these pimples appear, the risk of accidental breakage is very high.
  • Maintain careful personal hygiene by regularly washing the body and buttocks affected by the pimples. In this regard, we remind you of the importance of using delicate and not excessively degreasing or aggressive detergents. In fact, if on the one hand cleansing serves to remove excess sebum and dirt; on the other hand, the use of products that are too aggressive and degreasing can dry out and irritate the skin, causing it to produce more sebum in an attempt to restore normal conditions. A greater production of sebum, in turn, could induce a worsening of the condition of pimples on the butt.
  • If the pimples on the bottom are present in large quantities, they are large and very inflamed - therefore they cause pain - after cleansing, it is good practice to dry the area in question with a soft towel, dabbing and not rubbing. This prevents further irritation of the skin, as it reduces the risk of breaking the pimples.
  • Wear breathable and non-tight underwear and clothing, preferably in natural fibers (such as cotton).
  • Adopt a balanced diet trying to avoid or limit heavily fatty foods and overly sweet or sugary foods.
  • Try to reduce stress as much as possible.
  • Avoid the use of do-it-yourself remedies of dubious utility and of doubtful safety of use, such as, for example, the use of toothpaste on pimples.
  • Do not use drugs of any kind (not even if purchased without a prescription) unless specifically prescribed by your doctor.

Please note

It is important to point out that the above listed tips do not guarantee the complete disappearance of pimples on the buttocks as they cannot guarantee that these will no longer occur. Nevertheless, it is recalled that the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and the maintenance of an optimal level of personal hygiene are not only useful to prevent or facilitate the resolution of pimples on the buttocks, but can be useful for maintaining good health of the whole organism.