Category milk and derivatives

Parmigiano Reggiano
milk and derivatives

Parmigiano Reggiano

Generality Parmesan cheese is a seasoned cheese typical of northern Italy, more precisely in the Po valley (an area between central-western Emilia and Mantua). It is a dairy product derived from the processing of partially skimmed cow's milk; as such, Parmesan cheese boasts rather good nutritional characteristics: compared to most aged cheeses, Parmesan cheese is less fat, more protein, contains less lactose and provides an excellent concentration of calcium; the amount of sodium is still considerable, as is that of cholesterol

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milk and derivatives

Bagòss by R.Borgacci

What's this What is Bagòss? Bagòss is a mature cheese (1 to 4 years old), with a classic appearance of mountain tomes - but larger - characterized by the addition of saffron - in the curd - during production. It is made from raw and partially skimmed cow's milk; the pasta is totally cooked.
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milk and derivatives

Branzi by R.Borgacci

Generality What is Branzi cheese? Branzi is a mountain pasture cheese, similar to the equally well-known Fomai de Mut. As a nutritional source of high biological value proteins, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), phosphorus and calcium, Branzi belongs to the 2nd fundamental food group. It is rather caloric and fat, especially in the seasoned versions, and also rich in cholesterol and sodium
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milk and derivatives

Bitto - Cheese

What is Bitto? Bitto is a summer Italian cheese, fat, cooked and semi-hard, produced in Valtellina (Lombardy). It owes its name to the Bitto river, a stream that originates in Gerola Adda and after only 16 km (near Morbegno) it enters the river Adda. The production area of ​​Bitto includes several territories in the province of Sondrio (from the Spluga valley to Livigno, some municipalities of the Brembana Valley, the Gerola Alta, Albaredo and the valleys of San Marco). Ed
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milk and derivatives

Blue Stilton by R.Borgacci

What's this What is blue stilton? Blue stilton is a blue cow's milk cheese, from whole milk and pasteurized, typical English that takes its name from the homonymous village in which, in the XVIII century, it was produced for the first time. There are two different varieties of stilton: white, more delicate and less intense, blue, strong both in smell and taste - due to the presence of mold inside
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milk and derivatives


Generality Brie is a cheese-filled rind with light molds; of French origin, it is produced in the valley of the same name (department of Saine-et-Marne), located about 50km from the capital (to the east). It is a soft cheese matured briefly and made from cow's milk processing. The flowering of this product is attributable to the development (inoculation) of a particular strain of mold belonging to the genus Penicillium , or camemberti or caseiculum (the same as Camembert cheese)
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milk and derivatives


What is Caciocavallo Caciocavallo is a food belonging to the whole of milk and derivatives; more precisely, it is a non-dairy cheese (because it contains little lactose). A source of high biological value proteins, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2), caciocavallo is part of the II fundamental group of foods
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milk and derivatives


What is Burrata Burrata is a fresh cheese of Italian origin - typical of the Puglia region - made from whole cow's milk, raw or pasteurized. The burrata is characterized by an outer layer of solid mozzarella and a heart enriched with fresh cream or butter. The consistency is softer than that of mozzarella; even more inward
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milk and derivatives

Caciotta by R.Borgacci

What's this What is caciotta? Caciotta is the name of a typical Italian cheese produced especially in the center of the peninsula. The name "caciotta" derives from the dialectal language - to indicate a small fresh cheese, less seasoned than pecorino - and can refer to products that are also very different from each other; in fact, caciottas can be made from cow's milk, sheep's milk, goat's milk and buffalo milk, undergo different processes, have a variable skimming - whole or partially skimmed - and can be subjected to a short or medium seasoning period - from 14 days
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milk and derivatives


Generality Camembert is a flowered rind cheese (or frosted if you prefer), produced from cow's milk. It therefore belongs to that group of cheeses - such as the Brie and the Caprice des dieux - characterized by a soft and whitish crust, whose appearance closely resembles that of a flowery meadow (→ flowery crust), covered with a layer of frost (→ sinus frosted crust). Th
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milk and derivatives

Casera - Casera DOP by R.Borgacci

What's this What is Casera? Casera is a Valtellinese cheese - province of Sondrio, Lombardy - based on partially skimmed cow's milk, with semi-cooked pasta and semi-hard consistency; "casera", in the local dialect, means "dairy". Dairy product to all effects, Casera belongs to the II fundamental group of foods: nutritional sources of high biological value proteins, mineral salts and specific vitamins of milk and derivatives
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