Category hair

Diet for healthier hair

Diet for healthier hair

Hair The hair is hair , that is, keratinized cutaneous appendages (keratin is a protein) that originates at the horny level (one of the various layers) of the skin of mammals (commonly called skin); the skin appendages are different (hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands) and differ in terms of their structure and function; the hair, therefore the hair, is intended to amplify the tactile perception

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Baldness: What it is and what it is not Baldness, better known as alopecia, is a condition (not a disorder) characterized by progressive thinning of the scalp. In its most common form ( androgenic baldness ), alopecia affects 80% of males and 50% of females at various levels, thus representing a topic of great interest both from a scientific and commercial point of view
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Diet for healthier hair

Hair The hair is hair , that is, keratinized cutaneous appendages (keratin is a protein) that originates at the horny level (one of the various layers) of the skin of mammals (commonly called skin); the skin appendages are different (hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands) and differ in terms of their structure and function; the hair, therefore the hair, is intended to amplify the tactile perception
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Azelaic acid against acne and hair loss

Generality Azelaic acid is a saturated dicarboxylic acid, found naturally in wheat, barley, rye and olive oil (especially in the rancid). The interest in this substance - produced in large quantities by the fungus Malassezia furfur , which normally dwells on human skin - derives from some characteristics that are particularly useful in dermatology
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Androgenetic alopecia

See also: female androgenetic alopecia - Alopecia: natural remedies What's this Androgenetic alopecia is the main cause of progressive thinning of the scalp. In the course of life it affects about 80% of the male population and 50% of the female population. The spread of androgenetic alopecia is therefore such as to justify the name of " common baldness " and to be able to consider, within certain limits, an absolutely physiological condition
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Alopecia Areata

What's this Alopecia areata is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the hair follicles of the scalp and the rest of the body. It is typically characterized by a sudden hair loss in small patches of round or ovular shape; the temporal and occipital regions are the most commonly affected. In the most severe cases, alopecia areata reaches the whole scalp (total alopecia areata) or all body hair (absolute alopecia areata)
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Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Generality Alopecia, or localized or widespread hair loss, is a phenomenon that affects large sections of the population, both male and female. In the most common and widespread form, hair loss is related to the action of androgenic hormones on a genetically predisposed soil; therefore we talk about androgenetic alopecia
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Fat hair

Generality Greasy hair is a widespread problem and in some ways embarrassing. The hateful feeling of stickiness is not in fact a simple appearance, but the result of an excess of sebum that is deposited on the hair and scalp, favoring its adhesion. Since the oil produced by the sebaceous glands tends to retain flakes of skin and the dirt with which it comes into contact, a fat hair requires daily washing
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Hair and Breastfeeding

Generality Hair and breastfeeding are terms that, when placed next to each other, arouse not a few concerns in new mothers. In fact, during pregnancy - thanks to the high concentrations of estrogen present in the pregnant woman - the hair knows one of their periods of greatest splendor. Vice versa, during the months of breastfeeding they often appear fragile, brittle and easy to fall
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Caffeine shampoo, hair loss

Caffeine shampoos are indicated for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, also known as common baldness due to its widespread diffusion both in men and women. In some studies, caffeine has been shown to stimulate hair growth in vitro and, more importantly, to reduce the suppression of follicular vitality induced by testosterone
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