Category drugs

Kevzara - Sarilumab

Kevzara - Sarilumab

What is Kevzara - Sarilumab used for and what is it used for? Kevzara is a medicine used to treat adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that causes inflammation of the joints. Kevzara is used when treatment with one or more medicines known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) has not proved to be sufficiently effective or has caused serious side effects

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Serotonin syndrome

Definition and serotonin The serotonin syndrome is due to an exaggerated increase in the serotonin signal centrally, resulting from the hyper-stimulation of its receptors. This event can be caused by the abuse of one or more drugs and / or drugs that: they increase the synthesis of the hormone serotonin or its precursors they reduce degradation or reuptake they directly stimulate the receptors, called serotonergics
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Boric acid

Generality Boric acid - also known as orthoboric acid - is a weak acid with interesting antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal properties. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, this compound is used - at the appropriate concentrations - in the pharmaceutical field, but not only. In fact, boric acid is also used as a preservative, as well as being used in the paper, paint and enamel industry, adhesives and even explosives
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Clavulanic acid

Generality Clavulanic acid is a compound having a beta-lactam (or β-lactam) type chemical structure. In particular, clavulanic acid is a β-lactamase inhibitor that is widely used in medicinal preparations in association with antibiotic drugs, such as penicillins. Clavulanic acid is a compound of natural origin, isolated for the first time from strains of Streptomyces clavuligerus .
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Boric water

What is Borica Water Boric water is a very diluted solution of boric acid, otherwise known as orthoboric acid. The latter is a weak inorganic acid whose brute formula is H 3 BO 3 . Boric water is used in the pharmaceutical field - and even in the veterinary field - due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties
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Generality Academetionine - also known as S-adenosyl-methionine - is an amino acid naturally present in the body. In detail, the academetionine is a coenzyme capable of transferring methyl groups. Trans-methylation reactions carried out with the aid of academic acetonine are indispensable in the synthesis of the phospholipid double layer of cell membranes, but this is not the only action performed by the aforementioned amino acid
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Ambroxol of I.Randi

Generality Ambroxol is an active ingredient with a mucolytic action used to fluidify and favor the elimination of thick and viscous mucus that forms in the airways in the presence of disorders and diseases. Ambroxol belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of expectorants and mucolytics and is available in various pharmaceutical formulations suitable for oral , inhalation and rectal administration
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