Category football

Football players training

Football players training

When we talk about training we have to take into consideration some of the features that will be needed to set our sessions correctly. These characteristics are represented by the following TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC NOTES: throughout the season, if few workouts and lots of games are played, there is a reduction in VO2MAX (maximum oxygen consumption); the VO2MAX seems to be significantly related to the distance traveled and the number of sprints performed throughout the game; to monitor the intensity of the players' effort during the entire football match, cameras are used which are located diffe

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Toning and soccer program

Message sent by: Giuseppe Hello Joseph from what you write to me, I believe that for you a functional training is very useful for improving the muscular tone of the whole body. Let's start with the frequency of the sessions, four workouts a week are more than enough, especially in the summer period during which you should find physical and mental energies to better face the competitive commitments of the next season (even if it is a simple match with friends during the weekend)
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Strength coach: the strength specialist in modern football

Always in more sports, this professional figure begins to become extremely important for improving physical performance. The strength coach collaborates closely with the athletic trainer, but specializes in advanced training in order to increase strength, the basic muscular quality for any sporting gesture
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Resistance Training in Football

By Dr. Davide Sganzerla In general, Resistance is defined as the psychophysical capacity to resist fatigue, ie the ability to withstand long efforts and fatigue but also the ability to perform an activity repetitively (Conseman). For Tschier the general Resistance is the athlete's ability to submit for a long period of time to any load that involves many muscle groups and that is in a positive relationship with a sports specialization; finally, according to Zaciorski, Resistance means the faculty to carry out any activity for a long period of time without causing a decrease in its effective
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The stages of football learning

The first stage of football learning starts only around 5/6 years, that is when the future football player is accompanied to one of the many football schools in the area. To learn the sporting discipline in the best possible way (that is, in a stimulating and amusing way) it is necessary to satisfy the needs of the child and act according to the age and the degree of psycho-physical maturation of the subject
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Soccer youth categories

The youth teams play according to the category they belong to, through game times, field sizes and variable doors. The youth categories can be divided into first kicks, chicks, rookies, very young, students, juniors and spring. The first category considered competitive is that of the very young, followed by students, juniors (or Berettos) and spring
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Soccer of the ball

What limits the way in which a ball is effectively kicked is to be found in the external and internal elements of the fundamental movements relating to this fundamental. The discriminants that allow a passage or a shot to be carried out effectively are represented by the perception of the trajectory of the ball, the position of the partner and the opponents, the technique and the experience possessed by the student
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Football players training

When we talk about training we have to take into consideration some of the features that will be needed to set our sessions correctly. These characteristics are represented by the following TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC NOTES: throughout the season, if few workouts and lots of games are played, there is a reduction in VO2MAX (maximum oxygen consumption); the VO2MAX seems to be significantly related to the distance traveled and the number of sprints performed throughout the game; to monitor the intensity of the players' effort during the entire football match, cameras are used which are located diffe
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Technique in the game of football

There are various ways to kick the ball: if the ball is facing the opponent's goal, we will talk about shooting; if the intent is to free one's dangerous area by kicking the ball far, it will be a liberating throw ; if instead the goal is to pass the ball to the companion, then we can talk in passing
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Zone game in football

Playing in the area means arranging oneself in such a way as to occupy one's own zone, according to the principles of equitable distribution, rationality and team unity. In this regard it is necessary to divide the field, longitudinally, in equal parts and arrange, in each zone, a player for the defensive line and one for the midfield line
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