Category cosmetics

Emollient Creams

Emollient Creams

The role of emollient creams in the treatment of dry skin Emollient creams play a fundamental role in the treatment of dry or xerotic skin. Dry skin is characterized by dehydration and hypolipia, therefore by an excessive loss of water from the stratum corneum and the scarcity of epidermal sebaceous lipids; it shows flaking, lack of elasticity, itching and a feeling of discomfort

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Rosa Mosqueta

What is the Rosa Mosqueta Rosa Mosqueta is a generic term of Spanish origin, which indicates some wild roses; the main species are R. Moschata , R. Canina and R. Englanteria or R. Rubiginosa , all belonging to the genus Rosa . From the scientific point of view, to speak of Rosa Mosqueta is therefore a rather gross error; however, with regard to the remarkable botanical similarity (description, habitat, etc
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Botulinum - Botulinum Cosmetic Alternatives

Generality The cosmetic botulinum alternatives offered by the anti-age product market are constantly evolving and growing. In fact, cosmetics have been trying for years to offer ingredients and products that are able to mitigate the signs of aging without having to resort to Botox injections or cosmetic surgery
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Biodizionario: pros and cons

Cosmetics and web: information or disinformation? There are different types of consumers of cosmetic products: the most demanding ones are not content to read the information contained in the packaging and do not trust the advice of their neighbor or their beautician, but want to know, understand in detail what they buy and apply daily on the skin
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Emollient Creams

Introduction The skin performs innumerable functions; the most important is undoubtedly the maintenance of the correct functioning of the dermo-epidermal barrier. In fact it has mainly two tasks: to protect the body from the attack of external agents and to limit water loss through the epidermis (TEWL)
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Emollient Creams

The role of emollient creams in the treatment of dry skin Emollient creams play a fundamental role in the treatment of dry or xerotic skin. Dry skin is characterized by dehydration and hypolipia, therefore by an excessive loss of water from the stratum corneum and the scarcity of epidermal sebaceous lipids; it shows flaking, lack of elasticity, itching and a feeling of discomfort
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Emollient Creams

Lipid selection criteria in formulations with emollient properties The ease of application of a cream (spreadability or spreading), the sensation during and after a few minutes from the application (feel and after feel) and the degree of stickiness (pick up), are factors that can be influenced by the different chemical-physical characteristics of the emollients inserted in the formulation
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Aftersun: why and when to use it?

After sun lotion has the function of alleviating the effects resulting from sun exposure and improving skin conditions. The tan and the production of melanin are, in effect, a defense of the organism to a situation of stress. In the first instance, in fact, solar radiation causes an inflammatory response to the skin , which is manifested by redness, dehydration, a burning sensation, erythema and other more or less annoying symptoms
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Tanning intensifiers: what are they for?

A healthy, long-lasting and uniform tan is obtained gradually after about 7-10 days of sun exposure. Once you have a beautiful complexion, you can intensify it with creams, oils and balms formulated with substances that can promote melanin production (a pigment responsible for tanning). Tanning intensifiers usually contain tyrosine , which makes the melanin produced by the skin more available and optimizes the stimulation of sunlight
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Cosmetic properties of sapote oil?

Sapote oil is obtained from the seed of the fruit of Pouteria sapota , a plant native to the rainforests of Central America. The fruit recalls the flavor of pumpkin, sweet potato and bitter almond; it has a brown and rough skin that encloses a soft orange flesh. For this reason, the natives of the Dominican Republic also call it " Caribbean apricot "
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