Category cereals and derivatives

cereals and derivatives


Legislation According to Italian law, the bread represents: the product obtained from the total or partial cooking of a conveniently leavened dough, prepared with wheat flour, water and yeast, with or without the addition of common salt. According to the law, therefore, bread can be produced with flour (of soft wheat, obtaining more common products in the north) or with semolina (of durum wheat, obtaining breads - like that of Altamura - typical of southern Italy)

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cereals and derivatives


Generality Known to most as a food belonging to the group of cereals *, amaranth consists of the edible seeds of some plants of the genus Amaranthus . Specifically, the species still cultivated for their seeds are A. caudatus , A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus . Species Flowers Amaranthus caudatus , called bleeding love lies The main areas used for the cultivation of amaranth are recorded in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, India, China, Nepal and in other tropical or sub-tropical climate regions
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cereals and derivatives


What is Bulgur Bulgur is a cereal product originating in Turkey; more precisely, it is a derivative of the integral and sprouted seeds of a Graminacea belonging to the genus Triticum and to the Specie durum , or durum wheat. The bulgur is obtained by steaming the seeds of the wheat which are subsequently dried and crushed in a sort of "grain"
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cereals and derivatives

Cereals that contain gluten

Generality Cereals and Gluten Cereals are herbaceous plants belonging to the Poacee or Gramineae botanical genus. Certainly the most prevalent seeds rich in starch are consumed in cereals. Not all cereals are the same; they differ for the biological species, for the botanical characteristics, for the gastronomic application of the seeds and for the relative nutritional content etc
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cereals and derivatives

Whole grains

Definition Whole grains are the edible seeds produced by some plants belonging to the Poaceae family (more commonly known as Graminaceae). Some examples of easily available whole grains are: Wheat (durum wheat, soft wheat, medium and small spelled, spelled, kamut etc.) and related flours (including couscous and bulgur), barley, spelled, corn and relative flour, millet, oats and related flour, rice, wild rice, rye, sorghum, teff and triticale
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cereals and derivatives

Corn flakes

What are Corn Flakes Corn Flakes (in Italian: corn flakes) are foods of vegetable origin based on industrially processed large Turkish. The use of Corn Flakes in the diet is mainly found in breakfast and between snacks (secondary meals), although there are also several "alternative" recipes that involve their use (eg in crispy breading; see Perch with Corn Flakes )
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cereals and derivatives


What are? Crackers are cooked foods made from cereal flour (usually wheat), water and fat. Very often, they are flavored before cooking by adding salt, flavorings and other ingredients, such as aromatic herbs, cheese, seeds, etc., to the surface. Crackers with alternative or dietetic dough are not lacking
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cereals and derivatives

Oat bran

What is that Oat bran is a waste from the refining of OAT (usually Avena Sativa ), a cereal grown for more than 4, 500 years in Europe and the Middle East. Oat is a product that, similarly to many other cereals, has always been destined to the feeding of the lower social classes or livestock, while the wheat, considered the most valuable graminaceous, was used in the bakery destined to the feeding of the classes
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cereals and derivatives

Make bread

Generality Bread is a product belonging to the III group of foods, or rather that which affects cereals, tubers and their derivatives. The recipe for bread changes according to the kind of product you want to get. The base is composed of cereal flour containing gluten, raising agents and water; sometimes, there are added fats, salt, sugar and other seasonings
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cereals and derivatives

Oat flour

Oats The Oats (in French Avoine , in English Oat ) is a plant belonging to the Graminaceae family , Genus Avena, Sativa species; the binomial nomenclature of oats is Avena sativa . Oats are a cereal and for human consumption only the semen is consumed, whether intact or dehulled. The main chemical constituents of oat seed are: starch (> 70%), fibers, proteins and fats; as regards the secondary compounds, instead, there are: lecithins, vitamins and mineral salts
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