What are Capers Capers , intended as a widely consumed food, are the buds of Capparis spinosa , a small woody shrub typical of the Mediterranean basin. The caper plant, native to Asia Minor and Greece, is fond of calcareous, steep and dry soils. After the flower, the caper produces fruits called cucunci , less valuable and of less commercial interest than the buds
Category vegetable
Allium sativum L. Fam. Liliaceae Br. Ail - Ing. Garlic - Ted. Knoblauch - Sp. Ajo Areal Garlic comes from central Asia (Iran and Afghanistan), but it has been cultivated and well known all over the world since ancient times, from China to India, to Egypt. Currently, in Italy, about 4500 hectares are used for the cultivation of garlic, especially in Campania, Sicily, Emilia Romagna and Veneto
What is wild garlic? Wild garlic is a vegetable belonging to the family of Liliaceae * and to the genus Allium (Species Allium ursinum ). Also known as wild garlic , garlic with broad leaves , wood garlic and wild leek , it stands out for its large, broad and velvety leaves, which give off a pungent smell of garlic
Generality Agretti - or monk's beard or Negus beard - are foods that belong to the group of vegetables and vegetables. They are suitable for consumption by means of cooking and constitute a product, widespread throughout the Italian peninsula, especially ideal for preparing side dishes. Agretti are part of the Chenopodiaceae family (or Amaranthaceae, depending on the classification), Genus Salsola , Species soda ; their binomial nomenclature is therefore Salsola soda
What are What are Sea Asparagus? Sea asparagus are herbaceous plants of the Chenopodiaceae botanical family - or Amaranthaceae, depending on the botanical classification - and Genus Salicornia (or Queller ); the most widespread species is S. europaea . This is a group of botanical species that are very similar and almost indistinguishable
Generality Asparagus is a plant-based food that can be placed in the group of vegetables or vegetables. These are green or white shoots ( shoots ) (depending on whether they are grown in the presence or absence of light), which require a fairly complicated cultivation. The developed asparagus could be described as a rustic rhizomatous plant, with herbaceous stems without thorns (with a round bush with almost needle-like leaves) erect and branched, which have white dìoci flowers that turn into red berries; in parallel, the asparagus has a horizontal and underground stem ( rhizome or paw ), from
Generality Basil (from the Latin Basilicum or from the Greek Basilikon = royal plant or king plant), or rather Ocimum basilicum , is an aromatic plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family , whose typical essential oils are estragole and eugenol. It is an annual herbaceous type to be sown in early spring, using greenhouses, or to be flared in late spring; the harvest takes place throughout the summer; the basil is not particularly complicated to grow (even in pots) as long as you have: a soft and draining soil with a neutral pH, a climate with temperatures not lower than 10-15 ° C (better 20-25 ° C
Generality Beets - or simply beets - are foods of vegetable origin belonging to the group of vegetables or vegetables. Their edible part is made up of leaves and stems. From the botanical point of view, the beets are herbaceous plants belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, genus Beta , Species vulgaris ; in practice, the beets are a beet variety (called cicla ) identifiable with the binomial nomenclature Beta vulgaris cicla
WARNING! It is believed that - although it has been used in human food since ancient times - borage is potentially toxic or even carcinogenic. This is attributable to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids harmful to the liver ( licosamine , amabilin , supinidine , tesinin and durrina ), contained in the leaves, in the stem, in the roots MA not in the seeds
Generality Broccoli are edible flowers of the herbaceous plant Brassica oleracea L. , an Italic variety, belonging to the C rucifera family. They are also known with the name of cabbage-broccoli, since they belong to the category of the same name, although they differ considerably from most of the flowers of Brassica oleracea due to their typical green or purplish, more or less branchy appearance; in Italy, there are also local varieties of broccoli such as: the Balia , the Futura , the Blu di Sicilia , the Bianco , the Precoce di Verona, the Calabrese , the Bronzino of Albenga, the Mùgnulo lec
Generality The broth is a food product based on water and various types of molecules released, during cooking, from the ingredients used for its formulation (vegetable and / or animal). The broth can be based on: vegetables, meat, fish or mixed meat / fish (little used and subject to controversy); the broth can be consumed on its own, as an accompaniment to first courses or to serve as a cooking liquid for other foods in which it will then be stored or eliminated