Category symptoms

Symptoms Finger snap

Symptoms Finger snap

Related articles: Snap-on finger Definition The snap finger - also called stenosing tenosynovitis - is a disorder that affects the flexor tendons of the fingers. The tendons are fibrous cords that connect the muscle to the bone and are surrounded by a protective membrane containing the synovial fluid, which lubricates and allows free flow

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Black tongue

Language villosa nigra The black tongue represents a known problem, more precisely, with the term "language villosa nigra": a real disorder that occurs when the filiform papillae of the tongue retain bacteria, food and dirt fragments. These "hairs" (papillae means) grow a lot, to reach a sometimes embarrassing length, and together with these impurities are responsible for the variation of the color of the tongue, which varies from an amber hue to almost black
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White Tongue

Definition and causes The white tongue represents a condition in which dead cells, debris and bacteria settle on the tongue, creating a layer that appears white and thin at sight. The white language appears to be a fairly widespread phenomenon, both among boys and adults, whose etiological research ranges in very different areas: among the most banal causes that contribute to the formation of the white tongue we recall the traces of toothpaste left during an incorrect oral cleaning, and the use of a mouthwash based on hydrogen peroxide , which triggers a responsible reaction of the white traces
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Restless Legs Syndrome - Symptoms

Definition of the disorder Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a fairly common neurological disorder, characterized by the urgent need to move the lower limbs (and sometimes even the upper ones) to stop motor torment. Patients suffering from restless legs syndrome complain of vague, confused, rather difficult-to-define symptoms: these are continuous and restless motor movements of the legs, performed specifically by the affected subject in a desperate attempt to obtain relief from annoying tingling and numbness
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Ovarian Cancer Treatment Drugs

Definition The ovarian tumor originates in the female reproductive organs (gonads), deputies to the production of the egg cells. Three types of ovarian tumors are distinguished: Germinal ovarian tumors: 5% of the ovarian cancer. Typical tumors of the infant and adolescent period Epithelial ovarian tumors: 90% of ovarian neoplasms
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Scabies: how is it recognized?

Scabies causes a rash on most of the body, with a widespread and insistent itching . The discomfort becomes more intense at night and is essentially linked to a hypersensitivity to the protein products of the mite Sarcoptes scabiei (also contained in the faeces of the parasite). We remember, in fact, that this parasite is able to nest under the skin and lay its eggs in small galleries that it digs specially in the thickness of the epidermis
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Remedies for the White Tongue

By white tongue we mean a condition in which the tongue assumes a whitish color or is covered with a light patina. These two phenomena can be traced to different conditions, sometimes physiological, sometimes pathological. The causes that can determine the appearance of white language are: Use of particular products for oral hygiene
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Celiac disease: atypical symptoms

Introduction Like heart attacks, celiac disease can also occur with a procession of abnormal symptoms, which deviates from the normal symptoms. These symptoms are therefore defined as atypical or non-specific . Another analogy with myocardial infarction is the higher frequency of atypical symptoms in women
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Symptoms and Clinical Signs Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of eating behavior characterized by the refusal of food, which arises from the morbid fear of gaining weight; the stubborn desire to stay under a normal weight, however perceived as excessive by the anorexic, leads to the development of an obsessive repulsion towards the food that spreads until triggering the physical symptoms of overt anorexia: body weight under the limits of normality ( less than 85% of the ideal weight, BMI less than 1
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High Cholesterol Symptoms: How to notice it?

High cholesterol, in itself, does not cause any symptoms to the patient, except for the very rare cases of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, where - due to the very high levels of blood cholesterol (600 - 1200 mg / dL) - they are appreciated since childhood cholesterol deposits in the skin, tendons and around the cornea of ​​the eye (horn arches), as well as lipid plates (xanthomas and xantelasmas) inside the skin on elbows, knees and buttocks. Ey
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HPV Symptoms - Human PapillomaVirus

In most cases, HPV infections (acronym for Human Papilloma Virus) run in a completely asymptomatic manner, thus without causing symptoms of any nature: the body's ability to eradicate the virus before it can cause major damage is extraordinary. although unfortunately, in some circumstances, this capacity fails and the immune system, while managing to contain and contain the infection, fails to defeat HPV, which thus causes symptoms and disorders that are also quite serious
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