Category symptoms

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Related articles: Hemorrhoids Definition Hemorrhoids are cushions of richly vascularized tissue, normally present in the terminal part of the rectum. Their function is to contribute, together with the anal canal and its sphincters, to evacuation and fecal continence. Depending on the circumstances, the hemorrhoids then "restrain" the faeces by replenishing blood, and "accompanying" them to the outside by emptying

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Chest pain

Generality Chest pain is a common clinical manifestation of many morbid conditions, some of which are also very serious. According to the triggering causes, a pain in the chest can be: acute, dull, burning, similar to a stabbing or pressing. The conditions that can cause chest pain include: heart diseases, lung diseases, problems with gastroesophageal site, episodes of pancreatitis, problems with the gall bladder, rib fractures, costochondritis, Tietze's syndrome, the pectoral muscle injuries, intercostal muscle injuries and shingles infections
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Symptoms Fibromyalgia

Symptoms Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects the musculoskeletal system, causing musculoskeletal pain and fatigue symptoms. The fibromyalgia syndrome is commonly characterized by the coexistence of the following symptoms: Diffuse pain, that is symmetrical with respect to the waist and present on both sides of the body; Decreased pain threshold, with hyperalgesia and allodynia; Tender points (muscle and tendon insertion areas that evoke a particularly acute pain response in the patient, even after modest pressure); Anxiety or depression; Invalidating fatigue
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Signs or symptoms

Signs or symptoms? The term symptom is traced back to the Greek symptoma , whose meaning is coincidence, fortuitous event , and to sympiptein which means "to happen " (from syn " together " and piptein "to fall "). A symptom is now considered to be a subjective sensation of some disorder or disease that alters the normal feeling of oneself and one's body
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Akathisia - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Continuous hyperactivity that makes it difficult to maintain the normal sleeping position, such as sitting posture. It is typical of Parkinson's patients or restless legs syndrome; however, most cases of Akathisia are related to particular medications, such as some psychotropic drugs, anti-emetics and anti-parkinsonians
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Symptoms Metabolic acidosis

Related articles: Metabolic acidosis Definition Metabolic acidosis is an accumulation of acids in the body, not adequately compensated for as many basic substances. The result of this acid-base imbalance is a marked or slight decrease in the pH value which, in the long run, can create important health problems (arterial pH <7
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Lowering of the voice - Causes and Symptoms

Definition The lowering of the voice is a symptom characterized by the progressive or sudden damping of vocal sounds. This alteration can occur in varying degrees, from hoarseness (difficulty producing serious sounds) to complete loss of the voice (aphonia). The lowering of the voice can be favored by smoking, alcohol abuse, stressful situations, chronic cough, prolonged crying (in children), excessive use (talking loudly, screaming and singing), temperature changes and some medications
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Symptoms Acetonemia

Definition Acetone is a transient ketosis, a momentary metabolic disorder. It occurs when the body lacks sugars, the first source from which the body draws energy. Acetone is frequent especially in children and can be the consequence of different conditions, such as a diet rich in fat and low in sugar, inappetence or prolonged fasting (due, for example, to high fever or intestinal disorders)
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Acne Symptoms

Related articles: Acne Definition Acne (acne vulgaris) is a skin disorder that affects many adolescents and young adults. Its onset is linked above all to an excessive production of sebum; this oily substance, which forms a thin protective layer on the surface of the skin, is produced by the sebaceous glands located in the dermis at the base of the hair follicle (from which the hair is born)
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Akinesia - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Loss of normal muscle reaction, which leads to difficulties in initiating and performing voluntary movements. Possible Causes * of Akinesia Huntington's disease Parkinson's disease
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Symptoms Acromegaly

Related articles: Acromegaly Definition Acromegaly is a syndrome related to an excessive secretion of growth hormone (Growth Hormone, GH) in adulthood. In fact, it is often diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, while before the arrest of growth the hypersecretion of GH leads to gigantism. Almost always, acromegaly is caused by the presence of a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma (a tumor that secretes GH even in the absence of hypothalamic GHRH)
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